
I just ordered a jumpsuit, flak vest, gloves, side pouches, and spats all from BobaMaker and, my God, it's all unbelievable! Awhile back I ordered knee guards and the collar piece. The quality and time that went into these pieces is just amazing. 1000 times better than the crap that I recieved from StarFortressProductions.

If you ever need anything Boba related, you will not be let down by BobaMaker.

btw, admins, can you make a sticky cautioning people NOT to buy from SFP? That was a hard and costly lesson for me to learn... :cry

Yep i could of told you that....SFP has been, now for years, very hard to deal with. Always ask around about dealers to some of the older members. We're here to help and give input and feedback for situations like these......Glad to hear your back on the right track and werent detered from "fett building" because of situations like that........

Yea I emailed Bm about some questions I had about his flight suit and he emailed me back right away. He seems like he is on the ball and I will probably order many items from him. His flight suit looks really nice...
Yes BM gets back to you as soon as he can. Seriously I have never had an email to him go unanswered. AND when he ships! Seriously I dont' get things sent to me that quickly from the states and this is coming form the UK!!

Great at customer service, great guy, and best of all great fett gear! :thumbsup:
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