Official TDH Memorial day cookout @ Skywalker Ranch!!!


Sr Hunter
Talk about bad timing... we get an invite to a special cookout at Skywalker Ranch that just *happened* to be the same time as C IV!!! Who would have thought!

Even with l much of the group gone for the convention, we still managed a great turnout!


Time to play name-that-member! How many TDHers do you recognize?
Man. . . I miss everything. :lol:
Funny pic! Who is that older guy in the lower right corner holding a TDH t-shirt?? He looks vaguely familiar. ;) :D
That is awesome!!! I love it!!! When I read the title to the thread I was like huh? And even reading your post I was like huh? Then I looked at the picture :lol:
Haha, Awesome!!

Now I just have to figure out how to stuff my face with some of those juicy burgers without removing my helmet. :lol:
hahahahaa, thats aweseome!!!
I love it.
What is on the grill?
We serve Jabba Burger with wookie salad and for drinking the wicket shake.

Lets make a screensaver out of the picture where on each window of the house dif. persons shows up, the moon (or death star) comes out etc. :lol:
That's THE BEST! WOOOHOO! And now I have bragging rights, I've been to skywalker ranch FINALLY.... And my friend that works at Dreamworks can't rub it in anymore!
Woohoo! Thanks for the photoshpping magic! You even game me legs! That certainly startled me! What a nice meal it was, with George at the grill and all.
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