My Life-Sized 1978 Luke Skywalker Kenner Action Figure Project


Active Hunter
Hey all, I'm working with the incredibly talented laellee on a new project and wanted to post here in the event anyone is interested. Project 1278 is my vision of bringing all 12 of the first Star Wars figures released in 1978 to a life-sized, 3D printable format. The first figure in this series is complete; Luke Skywalker. Luke stands approximately 5'-10" tall, has a rotating head, adjustable arms, and a retractable lightsaber; just like the vintage 3.75" scale figure.

Luke Image.jpg

I'm offering the downloadable print files through my Etsy shop, Echo Base Studios.

The majority of these pieces are cut to fit a printer with a build volume of 256*256*256 mm³. The info sheet that comes with the download has more information.

For the next few days, I'm offering all RPF members 75% off my retail price (which brings your cost to about $10.00). To get the discount, please go to my Facebook page Log into Facebook, like/follow, send me a message with your TDH username, and you'll receive a discount code.

I've already started printing mine and it's gonna be awesome!



Anyway, feel free to let me know if you have any questions.

Jumping around on projects at the moment, but making progress on Luke. Just need to finish printing his back torso and arms. Here's the legs, pelvis, lightsaber, and front torso pieces. Not going to glue anything together until everything is printed and test fitted. The lightsaber has a removable, magnetically attached handle to make it easier to slide into his hand. It also has a magnet cavity on the rear end, and one that matches inside the arm, to keep the saber in place when retracted.

The prints look great, but I do have some areas to clean up as I'm still playing with orientation to save on time and filament. Once this is assembled I'll bondo the seams and get to sanding / painting. I'm pleased with how this is looking, real fun to see a childhood toy come to life at this size.


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Jumping right back to this project now that all pieces are printed. I started assembling the leg pieces and pelvis section. This probably looks odd being so raw but I have a bit more bondoing and sanding to complete, but I can already tell this is going to be a faithful homage to the original action figure (pictured for reference). I've always loved building life-sized figures, but building these life-sized Kenner "action figures" brings a whole new level of giddiness!


Also, here's a quick video of how the legs will attach.......................

Making great progress on this figure, working on getting everything that needs to be permanently together glued and also doing some test fitting before I start applying more bondo and sanding. It's gonna take a little work to get some of these seams hidden, but that's just part of the process on a build this size!

I absolutely love these vintage life-sized action figure builds!

Finally got all the pieces printed, glued, bondo'd, sanded, and a final coat of filler primer. I just need one final sanding before I start paint.........lot of work to get to his point, but I love how it's coming along.............



Looks incredible!

I managed to get a little paint on this. I had a hard time finding a color I liked for his pants, but I settled on Rustoleum "Khaki". I could only find it in gloss, so I'm going to hit it with a couple coats of satin clear. So many variations with the color on the original Luke figure, but I think this will tie in nicely with the white after I knock it down a little..............

Jumping around on projects again but I got a little more done on Luke today. I was dreading trying to find a rattle can color that would look good as a skin color, but I found this Rustoleum "Ivory Silk" color that I think came out pretty nice. I'll be adding a list of colors when done and updating my build PDF, but just wanted to share this now. I'll give this another day to dry, then mask off and paint the hair yellow, then make templates for the eyes and eyebrows and get those painted.............


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