My Life-Sized 1978 Darth Vader Kenner Action Figure Project


Active Hunter
So here's a peek at the second offering in my Project 1278 line! When completed, Vader will stand about 6'-6" tall. We're trying to keep the figure heights in relative proportion to the original figure line, but at a life-sized scale. Like Luke, Vader will have a rotating head, adjustable arms, and a retractable lightsaber; and of course his vinyl cape. We're also trying out a completely new method of attaching the legs to the pelvis section which will provide for greater stability and several different leg positions. Anyway, more to come...............

Vader 1.jpg
Vader 3.jpg
Cape Silhouette.jpg
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The first several pieces are done, they look great and will require very little post work, mainly just the seams. Nothing is glued together yet, just stacked on each other for a visual reference. I still have quite a few pieces to go, but in the meantime I need to think about what finish I want for this. I want to stay true to the vintage figure so I was thinking satin black everywhere, but was also thinking about changing it just a tad and doing the collar armor, shoulder armor, helmet, chest box, and boots a gloss black, and the rest of the body satin. Not sure yet, but I'm leaning more to the whole figure being satin black..........

I like the satin black all over idea. If you do it and don't see enough contrast, you can always hit those areas you mentioned with a gloss clear coat or gloss black.
Quick update on Vader, I have everything printed except his head, which is what I'm doing now. I'm starting to glue the pieces together and this is where I'm at. This is still very raw, need to sand and bondo the seams, but it's coming along. This is gonna be a tall figure at 6'6"...............

I had to briefly hit the pause button on these builds, but slowly getting back at it. Just need to finish Vader's head, then bondo the seams, then prep and paint. He's tall, Luke's legs are on the right for comparison. I'm really loving how he's turning out, looking forward to painting this one.............


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