*Official* "Please introduce yourself" thread

Hey everyone!

Well i just joined this forum and you'll be seeing alot more of me this fall & christmas as i will be haunting this forum trying to find information on all the bits and ends for my very own Boba Fett armor/costume.

I'm a member of the 501st and you can find me there as TK518. Recently i've been dreaming of expanding my armour wardrobe and my whish list has come down to either a snowtrooper or a Boba Fett. Needless to say i'm leaning more and more towards the Fett.

Other personal info:
23 years old and i live in sweden so if there are any fellow scandinavian Fetts out there don't hesitate to email or PM me. Right now i'm studying for my bachelours degree so i can basically only afford to get the armour peice by peice.

But one day!!! I'll have it all! Any tips at this point are more than welcome as i've already been looking at different dealers. If any of you have any recomendations they are also more than welcome. my email: tk05180@yahoo.se

Hey Fetts,

My name is John Barrows, Jr., I'm 30 yrs. old and I'm from Milford, Massachusetts. Like the rest of you, I have been a huge Star Wars fan since I saw ANH in the theater at age 5.

I am a member of the 501st Legion- New England Garrison. I've been involved with the Legion for a year or so now and it's really a great thing to be able to dress up as your favorite Star Wars characters and help people at the same time.

I've been portraying TK + TD Stormtroopers all along, but thanks to my fellow garrison member + Dented Helmet member Bob Gouveia (Webchief on TDH) I got into building my ESB Fett. This coming June, I will be trooping for the first time as Fett and I'm quite excited! :D

I am a meat cutter for Whole Foods Markets and many of my fellow 501st members have given me the nickname "The Butcher". It sounds cool and if you saw the movie Gangs of New York, you know how cool a nickname like that can be.

I recently got out of the military after being a Military Police Officer in the Massachusetts Army National Guard since 1991.

I am single as of this past Feb, so any single, female Fett lovers, come and get me!!! :lol: I'd love to find someone who I could share my life with. (But, you have to love Star Wars!)

Hopefully, I'll find my way to CIII and see you all in person.

On a personal note: I hope my good friend Hilmir, (Mobius on TDH) is going to be alright. He is in critical condition after being in a terrible accident in Iceland, where he is a police officer. He is a great person and I pray that he will be okay. Hang in there Hilmir! :thumbsup:


John Barrows, Jr.
OK, my turn.

My name is Vern Partello. Yes, the name is a family curse and not common. This forum definitely is a small world as one of our fellow members knows the only other man in the US with that name (my father) back when there was less than 600 of us. That was probably the coolest thing on this forum as far as discussions (PMs that is). Been out of loop over the winter but have dropped in at least once weekly.

Been a Stars Wars fanatic since i was a kid. Still have my original vintage figures in excellent shape as I was a stickler then with my collection. Got turned on to this hobby at CII when I found out you could build an awesome costume. Ran around for years in a loin cloth as a mountain kid/teenager/man. Still do that occasionally, minus the loin cloth. Don't quit have the figure I used to. Luckily, I married my wife when I did.

I'm 33, soon to be 34, unfortunately. I live in Southern, WI with my beautiful wife who has put here career (RN) on hold to take care of the three treasures we created. Two daughters 5 and 4 and our son who is almost 2.

Born and raised in Southern CA and moved to WI after we married as neither of us wanted to stay with kids in the plans. Admitting gunshot wounds every night on call gets old.

I did my bachelors in Biology with an emphasis in Biochemistry and Genetics. When I completed my MD we moved to the Midwest for my Family Practice residency. Now I'm a simple country doc in a town of 5000 with the best of all worlds. I practice the full scope of Family Medicine with Obstetrics, teach medical students from surrounding schools and continue to teach residents inpatient and out patient medicine. And on occasion can be found in local ER's and Urgent Cares moonlighting to pay off student loans.

As far as other hobbies I enjoy are Black Powder Rendezvous. Hence, the loin cloths. Wood working and minor construction. Military weapons and the AR-15 I recently built. My winter project since my Boba was on hold. Also, have a passion for vintage sports cars and my wife is just beginning to warm up to the idea of me building a Shelby AC Cobra next year. Fortunately, there are fanatics to work with there to make it as accurate as possible.

Pictures to follow.
Great thread - finally putting people to names and Fett faces. :D So many of you have been so helpful to me with ideas and answers in building my Fett outfit. ...And I have no plans to leave Fett costuming!

I was born Chris Bartlett in 1970 and saw Star Wars in theaters several times at age 7. I grew up in Arizona and California, but recently moved to North Carolina. I've built a Sandtrooper and a Boba Fett costume and am in the 4th year running a costuming website attempting to show how people can kind of do-it-yourself without spending a ton of money.

I just celebrated my 11-year wedding anniversary to the talented and tolerating Mrs. TK409 - we have 2 sweetpea girls. I'm the Interactive Director for the ad agency, The Republik , and used to be a cartoon animator for DreamWorks Television. In 1997 I majored in graphic design and illustration and have worked on the web ever since. I have also owned several classic cars - typically from the 50's & 60s. My latest, a 1963 Corvair convertible.

More about me here.
- Chris

Hey everyone, My name is Phil and I live in southern California. I have been collecting replica props for about 8 years, I'm mostly interested in star wars and aliens props, I have many replicas, a few resin blasters, a couple of Graflex tubes,many helmets, a homemade Boba Fett costume about 85% finished and am currently working on a Lewis rifle(ala TK409) for my stomtrooper armor and have clonetrooper armor waiting to be started.

Hey Gang...

My name is Michael, I'm 32 and currently bartending in the big city of Bowling Green Ky, home of the corvette, the hilltoppers, and Nappy Roots. Up until recently I was a graduate student at WKU working on my masters in Communications. I am on my way to Monroe La to be the general manager at Alexanders, a restaurant I did some consulting for a few months ago. I have been working on this damned Boba gear for about 5 years now.

ME 011.jpg

bad pic of me

mindphunk wrote:

I am on my way to Monroe La to be the general manager at Alexanders, a restaurant I did some consulting for a few months ago. I have been working on this damned Boba gear for about 5 years now.

ME 011.jpg

bad pic of me

Is that "bad" pic because you're moving to Louisiana? :rolleyes

(Sorry, just kidding) :D, just I can't stop giving bad reputation about Louisiana, but it could be good, if you're in the City...just depending on the place you're (or will be) located at, and what you make out of it. ;) This is not my environment (Mid-Western La.)...bottom line, I was raised in the city my whole life (until I moved to La.).

Like I told you before in another thread (and via PM), if you're in one of the main cities in the states...you have nothing to worry about, and you'll find EVERYTHING you're looking for...trust me on that one. ;)

Well, I think I should introduce myself, finally. My name is Chris Brown I'm 28 and from Casco, Michigan (about 30 miles north of Detroit). I have been a Star Wars fan since I saw A New Hope when it was re-released to the theaters in 1979-80. I teethed on my brother's figures and have vivid memories of playing in the snow with my AT-AT when I was a kid. I also am a classically and jazz trained Bass player (not the fish, the instrument with strings). I am an electrician by trade and enjoy what I do. I've been married to my wife, Carolyn for almost 9 years. I enjoy video games, 501st outings and participating in dramas at my church. When I'm not doing any of that, I'm upgrading my Jango costume and thinking of the next costume to work on. Here I am with a good book
Jango Reading3.JPG

And here I am without a helmet (I'm the taller one on the right)
c&C Holland3.JPG
well, i am a high school student, liek making movie props and buying them! id rather not buy something i could make though! its more fun that way. it started when i was little i say soom spoof of cops with storm troopers and i thought that was the coolest so a few years later i found obiwans jedi achademy and i liked the idea of having a fett suit but then i started looking into making a tusken raider, i never finished that.but i have the gaffi stick i made.pvc wood and plastic bottle.then later when i actualy had some money i bought a fett helnmet oh that was after i found this place, but only because i got into james bond prop making and found the RPF. made the garrote watch from "from russia with love." that works! it was teh first non static movie prop i ever made. tehn i started liking freddy krueger so i got a kit to make my own and i have it sitting around now. made a few commercials for that freddy glove site but he never used them, i still got a free hat and sweater out of it though. on my free wime (that means when im bored) i made Half life models for mods. like guns and player models and such. so im pretty familiar in 3d computer graphic modeling.

Well, let's see, where to start?

I'm Rex Adams, been a Star Wars fan since it was first released. In addition to SW, I enjoy Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Ren Faires...

I grew up in Northern California, where I've spent the last 20+ years backpacking. I've been married for the last 18 years, have two awesome kids, (my boy is 14, my girl is almost 12, going on 17...)

I collect not just GiJoes, but pretty much all 1/6th scale stuff, from WWII to Modern to Sci-Fi to Historical to Fantasy. It does get quite crowded in my Joe Room...
I enjoy designing the figures to become as realistic as possible.

I still have my comic collection from when I grew up, although nowadays, I rarely add to it.

I used to fight in sword and armor for the SCA.
Used to love playing D&D. Used to work selling swords and armor at the fabled Blackpointe Ren Faire...
I am a Brown Belt in Okinawan Karate.

I'm a member of the Central Coast Garrison, and look forward to joining Brian, Mark and Dave in the Sacto area Garrison as soon as my Fett is finished!!! :D :D :D
After Fett, there will be a Stormtrooper, probably a Clonetrooper too, mebbe a Colonial Marine, as MLC just built a awesome Pulse Rifle!! (insert shameless plug here...)

I am a struggling Real Estate agent and working sales for a equip. rental firm as well. Pretty much 7 days a week.
Which interfers with online forums...!!! ;)

If it wasn't for practicing Karate, I think I'd go nuts!!


I worked in the action figure toy industry for almost 5 years, but the company "down-sized" and I found myself out of work. I found OJI- which led me here. Made some great friends, made a custom Mandalorian which of course, led to building a Fett. 1 1/2 years later, my ESB Boba Fett is closer to completion. I'm also helping Mardon (MLC) distribute custom Fett stuff.

I'll try and come up w/ some pics...

take care all,

Alrighty then. My name is Mike, I'm 33 and from the suburbs of Chicago. I've been a fan since it came out. I just recently got into the costume thing. At WizardWorld Chicago each year I would always get pics taken with all the costumed fans. So now I know who some of you are. One of my oldest friends Craig(JodoKast3) has been ddoing this for some time. A few months ago he showed me his props and let me try on his bucket. I was hooked. I've since fallen into this black hole called costuming which money can't escape(light yes, my checking account...no) I jus got my MLC bucket the other day. Since I don't have the skills like so many of you do, I sent it out to RA for painting. This will be mu custom Mandalore. I also have a ROTJ Fett bucket(and other pieces) so I would like to complete him someday.









My name is Bill Soloway, I'm 33 years old and live in Palatine, IL (northwest suburb of Chicago). I'm currently married to my lovely wife Jen, and a stay-at-home dad for my two kiddies, 5 year old Josh and 2 year old Natalie. In my what seems to be a former life, I taught middle school P.E., computer applications, and music for 6 years (not all at the same time).

I've been a member of TDH since the very beginning. I think I joined up the day after it was established. It took over three years to finish my Fett (as if it will ever be "finished"). Since then I've also aquired and built an awesome suit of TE ANH accurate stormtrooper armor, which rocks.

I'm also a member of the 501st midwest garrison, where I go by the name TK/BH 3423 (34 in honor of Walter Payton and 23 in honor of Michael Jordan)

christmas letter 2.jpg


big & lil boba.jpg
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Hi I'm Steven Walter and I live in Northwestern Ohio. I am currently 13 going on 14. As you may have already guessed I like to drum. I have been a star wars fan ever scince I was old enough to think um around 4... I collect star wars toys and my first figures i recieved on my 5th birthday. I like to draw, play paintball, and attend convemtions and toy shows especially in costume. I have one younger sister. I also have a huge obsession with reptiles which I have always liked from a baby. Someday i hope to be a zoologist. I also have a cat and 4 turtles. I would like to have reptiles but my moms afraid of the bugs they eat and my dads afriad I will turn the house into a zoo. I am currently working on a custom mandalorian. I started working on my boba fett costume with my uncle awhile back ago. It started out slow but then we got a move on and finished it. Now I love making costumes or props.
I'm Wes Herlick,
Born and raised in Hawaii. I'm 25. AM2(Aviation Structural Mechanic Petty Officer Second Class) in the Navy. I've been in for 6 years. Now residing in Virginia Beach. Did 4 years with VFA-87(3 of those painting jets), now I'm relaxing on shore duty stationed at AIMD Oceana.
I'm into just about everything. Close to finishing a build on my Integra engine, dropping a 350 in my Toyota 4x4, guitar, PC gaming, building PC's, surfing, scuba, rifles, skeet, 1911 handguns, tattoos, drawing, nitro RC cars....

Last year I started to research building a Stormtrooper outfit a few weeks before Halloween, I realized that wasn't going to happen due to time and money. I figured that if I'm going to spend this much money on an accurate setup, I'm going to make a Fett.
Purchased a helmet kit from TK-409 about a week ago, and registered here at TDH this morning.
I'm looking forward to getting into something artistic.

Still undecided whether the armor will be Jango or Boba ESB/ROTJ.


Here I am in my other helmet:
Hi to all,
My name is Sandy I live and work in London (UK) I'm a builder I do building maintenance covering all trades, I work for a company that has clinics all over the UK. Pay isn't great but I do get to work on bits of my Fett outfit at work so it's not all bad. I've been lurking around the boards here awhile, there was no way I could have started my scratch built ESB Fett outfit without the info contained on these forums so a big thank you to all.
Well I believe it's my turn to properly introduce myself. I was waiting until I got some decent pictures of myself out of costume but I never got around to it, oh well.

My name is Dan and I've been into Star Wars since the first time I saw it back in '95. I'm 19 years old and live in Southern California.

I run my own website, http://www.jedi-dan.net, which I have poured countless hours into. Check it out if you haven't already. I also am the Graphics Designer over at MandalorianWarriors.com

Right now I have two costumes, EP2/Clone Wars Anakin Skywalker and my custom Jaster Mereel. Here's some pics:


Right now I'm putting together an Episode III Anakin to debut at SDCC'04 and am looking into doing a Vader and various other costumes sometime down the road.
my names Andy jarosz and im 11 years old.I make computer games for a living.(yes i do own a game company)Ive been into starwars since 2000.
Man, am I late or what? :)

My name's Jen Angel and I'm 30 years old and I live in the middle of nowhere compared to the rest of you, in Kansas, but we make more airplanes than anyone else. Haven't interested Boeing in making a Slave I yet, though :)

I am a huge fan of Star Wars and Battlestar Galactica, and am quite lucky to have a major supporting hubby to share my habits with. I am an eye doc with the Air Nat'l Guard, and a seamstress and a work at home mom to a 6 going on 16 year old who thinks Jango's too cool. Someday I'll get finished with Jango 1.0 so I can upgrade with the rest of you!

Hi all,

My name is Pontus and although I've been around boards like the RPF for a couple of yrs I'm completely new here. Looks like a fantastic place! Recognize a lot of names and/or avatars :).

I was born in '71 and live in Uppsala, Sweden together with my fantastic girlfriend Lottis.
I recently quit my job at a small biotech company and went back to university in order to get a Ph.D. in molecular biotechnology engineering. As a consequence, my prop-budget is severly restricted nowadays ;)

I've been into collecting/making movie and medieval costumes for quite a while but it wasn't until I discovered the many on-line forums a couple of yrs back I really got hooked. It's been a downward spiral ever since but I've met loads of fantastic people along the way and made some really good friends :).
Whenever I get a chance I take my Ducati for a spin or go sailing.


Managed to dig up a pic
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