Official Lisa Fett's Jet Pack Tutorial


has anyone done a jet pack useing Lisa Fett's tutorial? how did it work out? did it look very good? it seems like a cheap way to make a jet pack but that doesnt always mean its a good way.


::Edit:: full name replaced with board name
Yes, I have. It didn't look bad and it was cheap. It was a lot of work however. I have since purchased a fiberglass jet pack that I am much happier with once I had the $ to do so.

::Edit:: full name replaced with board name in the header
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I did a jet pack using LisaFetts tutorial.
For the money you really can't beat it.
I wore it to several 501st events and got
nothing but good comments. However, I have
since sold it and moved on to the more pricy
vac-formed/resin jet packs. If you have the
money, I would go with the latter. Much
less work and a little more sturdy.
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If anyones built Lisa Fetts jet pack and has the pattern - let me know.
I have the materials and the written tutorial - but need the pattern.
I contacted the Fetts (lisa) and they just moved and dont have any on hand.
Let me know,
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Yup, it's totally fine by me to trace a pattern and pass it along after you're through.

I recommend using sintra to build most of the pack now, though. I'd rather use poster board and styrofoam, since I need something that weighs 3 pounds :) , but if you don't mind doing the harness thing, sintra, with very minimal amounts of bondo, will be faster. Keep the amount of bondo to a minimum, though, because bondo cracks and you can easily end up with a 30 pound jet pack if you slather that stuff on. After we move and get set up again, I'll make a sintra one and re-do the tutorial for it.
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Where can I find Lisa Fetts Jet pack tutorial.

Sorry this is so short

OK this is getting ridiculous now I'm just typing to take up space

Thanks Tgun
i got a set. i can ship some off to you guys. the only problem is, there pretty big, so, i would need to get some BIG paper...but, i can see what i can do. :)
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Yeah, I have been doing a pretty thorough search of the forums looking for the templates, no luck though. Do you think you could scale them down, and we can either work from the scaled drawings, or inlarge them and print them out? Thanks
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what i'll probably do is buy some of the craft paper at the paper works outlet, and trace the patterns out on them, and just send them to you guys. you will have to cut them out, but, that takes all of 20 min. i'll also send you a parts list, and a instruction set. PM me with your addresses, and i'll send you some templates. :)
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thksdad wrote:

i got a set. i can ship some off to you guys. the only problem is, there pretty big, so, i would need to get some BIG paper...but, i can see what i can do. :)

im interested also
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pm sent also,


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hey, if you guys would like a 85% done JP (which is made by me from the templates) i can sell them. i'll only charge $50 for a JP. the reason for the low price is cause, there not quite finished. i have 3 JP that need just a little bit of work on them. i have 1 classic version, 1 arena version, and 1 that could go both ways. all you need to do is buy some paint, and follow the last bit of instructions....which is not that much work. let me know if anyone is interested. :)
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