Official Jet Pack Symbols


Well-Known Hunter
OK here's the deal, I was frustrated that I couldn't capture all the details in my test cut's, in fact it was so hard to peel that I almost dropped this project.
But, since there were so many interested, I didn't want to let you guys down. So I re-worked some of the symbols taking a bit of detail out so that it would be "easier" to cut.
It's still a pain to peel off for me, but at least it does peel off.
Here are the sizes (I'll post pics soon):
TANK TOPS: .5" height
MIDDLE TOP: .42" X 1.5"
LEFT BOTTOM: .28" X 1"

I also finished the Jango decals, which were a lot easier because most are solid symbols.
Once I get a go from Mirax H on the Jango ones, I'll take some orders.
As for ESB, all I need are sizes and colors and I'll get it done:D
Pre-pro version. . .if there is enough interest.
Thanks everyone.
. . .end of update

I've been convinced to tackle this project;). I just need to know if these are the only places it is on:
Top: Middle, Left tank, Right tank
Bottom:Left, Middle, Right

Is there anything I'm missing?
Is the same writing on Jango's classic jet-pack?

I have the ref. cd which I will be using, but does anyone have any more good pics I can use?

Thanks to everyone in advance,
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I was just brainstorming of how I will make these.
As usual:
Clean (solid sybols)
Weathered (according to MoM pics)

Black vinyl (glossy)
Black vinyl (matte)
Painted black,clear vinyl

I put down the glossy black vinyl because, for some reason, the matte black is a lower tac. I'll probably include both for an order.

The painted black clear is cool because you can "scratch" your own weathering, and since it is clear, the color of your jet pack will show through.

What do you guys think?
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I actually was wondering where I was gonna get these for Jango. I don't know what Boba has but Jango has one on the upper center of the right and left tanks, down the left side on the top part of the center tank, in the center of the bottom part of the center tank, and on the bottom of the left white rectangular piece.
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VashDstampede wrote:

Top: Middle, Left tank, Right tank
Bottom:Left, Middle, Right

Is there anything I'm missing?
I've seen a set on another website and there is 8 decals on his set:
Left tank Cap
Tank Top Left
Right Tank Top
Bottom of Main Tube
Right Tank Cap
Near Right Beacon
Housing Left Side
Housing Right Side ????? Graphics made this somewhat discernible.
Hope that helps.
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OK, after doing a little bit of looking through the ref. cd here's what I've seen:
On BB's MoM pics of the jet-pack there are 6 symbols:
1)middle of the left tank top
2)middle of the right tank top
3)top right of the main tank
4)bottom left of the main tank (white section)
5)bottom right of the main tank (white section)
6)bottom of the main tank (below the middle blue section)

The pre-production pack has 8 symbols:
Same 6 as above plus one each on the blue section right below the left and right tank tops.

On the AoSW there are only 3 symbols: the first 3 on the list.

It also looks like there are a lot of differences between the symbols on each, some slight others major.

Should I go with the MoM pics?
What's the consensus?
. . .Jango's, that's another story:(
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Some of Jango's symbols are different, namely the bottom ones. There are some pics from C2 around here somewhere that shows them.
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VashDstampede wrote:

OK, after doing a little bit of looking through the ref. cd here's what I've seen:
On BB's MoM pics of the jet-pack there are 6 symbols:
1)middle of the left tank top
2)middle of the right tank top
3)top right of the main tank
4)bottom left of the main tank (white section)
5)bottom right of the main tank (white section)
6)bottom of the main tank (below the middle blue section)

The pre-production pack has 8 symbols:
Same 6 as above plus one each on the blue section right below the left and right tank tops.

On the AoSW there are only 3 symbols: the first 3 on the list.

It also looks like there are a lot of differences between the symbols on each, some slight others major.

Should I go with the MoM pics?
What's the consensus?
. . .Jango's, that's another story:(

Like, these ones???

::image edited::

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Ely - you doing only 1 version or would you be hitting 3 (ESB/ROTJ/Jango)?
I think you can get all 3 in one sheet 'coz ESB and Jango have minimal JP decals.

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This project is still in the works, but if/when I get down to doing this, I'll probably do ROTJ, Jango, and maybe pre-pro.
I didn't think ESB had any, but I'll go check.
DV1's pic. is the Pre-pro version by comparison and still a bit off according to the ref. pics I have.
I'll try to start on this project soon, but I'm going to be busy for a couple of weeks, so I'll try to find some time to work on them.

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VashDstampede wrote:

I didn't think ESB had any, but I'll go check.
There is at least one on the ESB jet pack.

ESB_Jet Pack_Logo.jpg

ESB_jet pack_Logo.gif
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Wooo-hoo! ESB gets ONE!


And maybe a set of stripes!

(insert sarcasm here as well as above..)

Those symbols were looking soooo cool.

Ah well, the mystique of ESB lives on...

Yeah, that's it...!

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I'm not exactly shure how many decals are on ESB, but in addition to the white upsidedown U-shape, there is at least some type of stripe on the thrusters-whether or not it is a decal or painted I can't tell. There is also a short brown strip, followed by a black strip on the right bottom side near the mid-line (in between the rocket housing and the right canister-Basically in the same spot as the white upsidedown U, but on opposite side.) Again, can't tell if its painted or a decal. :)
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I've sent Eli in the mail some decal copies and for those who want the helmet "kill marks" (for those who want those in decal instead of painting them) and decals for the helmet as well (ESB style), with some instructions as well. He'll be working with them pretty soon, he's working some other projects as well, so give him time...he won't let us down, I promise!

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I know some of them are spliced letters from the same FONT as the ESB helmet decals. And some are just the plain letters at the end of the alphabet. like the "DE" for example.
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