Official Holiday Special Deadly Tuning Fork Weapon

Megalomaniac Mando

Active Hunter
Can't remember where I saw it, and I've looked through the archives here, but I've seen reference to some sort of staff weapon carried by Fett. Wherever it was that I first saw the posting had a good point about using this in place of a "gun-type" weapon for public appearances where the folks in charge would have you leave the Blastech in the car. ...Any info on this thing? It has kind of a pitchfork appearance to it if I remember correctly. Has anyone made one yet? Thanks in advance. :)
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I seem to remember hearing of someone who made one, but I haven't personally seen it with my own eyes.

The staff weapon looks like a two pronged pitchfork and it's from the cartoon Fett's appearance from that wonderful piece of television known as the SW Holiday special!

Hope that helps a bit. There are pics and screencaps of the cartoon weapon on the Ref CD.


MegalomaniacalMandalore wrote:

Can't remember where I saw it, and I've looked through the archives here, but I've seen reference to some sort of staff weapon carried by Fett. Wherever it was that I first saw the posting had a good point about using this in place of a "gun-type" weapon for public appearances where the folks in charge would have you leave the Blastech in the car. ...Any info on this thing? It has kind of a pitchfork appearance to it if I remember correctly. Has anyone made one yet? Thanks in advance. :)
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If you go with the space pitchfork, just keep your points blunt or it's not gonna be any easier to get it by than if you were carrying a blaster.
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The original is blunt too in all the pictures I've seen from the special anyway . . . want to keep it cartoon accurate! :)
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Right you are:

More pics here
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If you have SW Episode 2, go to disc 2, and look for the title bucket head in the documenteries, I think. It shows a little bit of the cartoon and the fork kinda makes a shock of electricity or something.
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<font color="3333FF">Hey, cool! 8) That BobaFettMP site is partially run by Britt, the Orange County CA Fan Force photographer! I know him, and he's a cool guy, but I digress....... :rolleyes :p

<font color="990066">Okay, I have to ask this. When are you going to start on this project? I know you've been working on your Tusken Raider. I look forward to seeing your interpretation of this, too, like I now look forward to all your projects. :D
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Hmm, I'll try and grab something for ya later on. It would definitely be sick if you made one of these babies tho! :D
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Not to hijack a thread, but are you doing a THS Fett costume?

I was painting a few pieces of my costume the other night, layering the paint. I had painted the cod piece yellow, over the chrome, and I kinda liked it that yellow color.

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Sweet! Got anything painted yet? Any progress pics? Enquiring minds wanna know.
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Forced Trekker wrote:

Sweet! Got anything painted yet? Any progress pics? Enquiring minds wanna know.
Not, yet. I've got an extra jet pack, but it's still in pieces. It was in pretty rough shape when I got it, so there's lots of filling and sanding to be done before putting it all together.

The THS Fett had no pockets on his pantlegs, so a simple white coverall should work pretty well. PLain white gloves, as well. The leg armor is the same, so I can use my ROTJ armor for that. The boots are much taller in THS, but I'll juts use my Cheng boots, anyway.

The chest and should armor is considerably different, so I'll need to sculpt those from scratch, as well as the gauntlets, which are much plainer than the "real" Fett had. And I'll make up another, simpler set of wookie braids. The cape should be easy, as well.

No horse girth belt, no side pouches, no ammo belt. Just a sidearm pistol.

Finally, I'm looking for a cheap DP helmet or DP re-cast to use to cap off my THS Fett costume.
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PropReplicator wrote:

Finally, I'm looking for a cheap DP helmet or DP re-cast to use to cap off my THS Fett costume.

I know this would be a neat suit, but I'm like you...I'd hate to paint a "good" helmet all blue :D
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