Official Helmet Accessories: Mic, Fan, Ect....

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I've never actually seen that cooler in person, but I wonder if you could wear it at the base of your skull, if the back of the helmet would cover it... It claims to cool your ENTIRE body for ~4 hours. :)

As for the CamelBak, I've heard of several Fetts installing them IN their jet packs to disguise them. :)

Oh, and if you DO decide to use the CamelBak, you might want to consider using one of these as well... ;)
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And if you have room, an eshaust fan couldn't hurt either.. It will keep the hot stale air from building up inside the helm
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If you go spidies route youll need a condom cath and leg bag. You'll need to be more careful about bumping into things with that than your costume.

On a serious note, I think Im going to install one of those gaskets like Jango. Not a 100% pure to the actual costume but It would give you an alternate site to place fans/speakers. Ill let you guys know how this works out when I get to that point.
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I know Im really late on this, but How about having more than one speaker, placing one speaker in the Jet Pack, and some smaller ones in the pouches? You could get one inside the Missle on back, and therefore the sound would be coming from behind your head but still in the head area.
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Fett4u wrote:

I know Im really late on this, but How about having more than one speaker, placing one speaker in the Jet Pack, and some smaller ones in the pouches? You could get one inside the Missle on back, and therefore the sound would be coming from behind your head but still in the head area.

That's a pretty good idea. Except running a wire to the jet pack. It would have to be detachable so when the jet pack comes off though.
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Well, the fan thread helped at least. It appears no one has come up with a speaker solution though. Too bad. I don't want my voice coming from my crotch (i.e. belt pouch).
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I've heard a few people were able to mount a small speaker in their helmet without getting the feedback. That would be nice if the volume doesn't reverberate inside the helmet. That way you wouldn't have to run a wire from your helmet to wherever. I'm looking into the tiny computer speakers myself. That is what most stormtroopers use in their helmets.
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Let me know if you find something Fettish, and I'll do the same. My wife's picking up a really nice Boba helmet I'm gonna have to wire as well. ;)
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It can be done, just trying to do it as effectively as the Cyberdyne Labs version is the thing. They make an incredible awesome version, complete w/ Fett's voice, but it's $400+.
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I got one at radioshack, Shackman turned me onto it. It slips on over your head, flexible mic comes around and rests in front of your mouth. Very easy to position and wear, if you get the head thingie to stay on while putting your helmet on!

The cord from the headset I wind down the back of my armor, hidden by the cape/jet pack. I hooked the speaker on the back of my belt. Volume control works really well. Gives a darn nice effect. Really gives people some thought.

Only one small drawback...
After awhile of hearing you, they will ask one thing:
"Why do you sound kinda strange?"

"Because the sound is coming out of my butt!!!"

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Hey BH

Just a thought on this, (and it's probably been said before, sorry if I missed it:o) couldn't you put the speaker in one of the front pouches on the belt ?

Might avoid the comments about 'butt' talk :lol:

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Yup, it's more than likely do-able Jason. Run the mic cord out the back of the helmet, under to the front of the vest, put on the belts, etc. When the pouches finally go on,hook the mic into the speaker inside.

I didn't make it real clear in my post, sorry. I was testing the speaker set up while wearing my custom Mandalore suit.
Similar to Jangos, but no front pouches...


take care,

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You are referring to problems with feedback. The best way to try to avoid feedback (that I have found) if you are going to try to stuff it all in the helmet is to mount the speaker behind your head. *Your head can eliminate the feedback.

*I am not responsible for whatever new form of cancer using your head as a radio buffer gives you. :)
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that was what I was going to say its all about the feedback. If you put the mic and speaker close together well, we have all heard the squeal from that.

I guess the keyholes would be a good spot far enough away to prevent that, something worth trying for sure. Is there any type of feedback inhibitor?

There has to be something or else hyperdyne wouldn't be able to function as I have heard people claim with that set up it doesn't matter location wise of mic and speaker (this may be incorrect as it is second hand information).

Can't wait for any solutions that won't cost me $400.00.
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