Now, what are these painters I keep hearing about?


It looks like I'll be starting on my own Fett costume here within the next little while assuming I can sort out purchasing the bucket from a previously spoken with source.

Now to start planing the logstics of the operation.

Well, lets be honest... When it comes to paining this type of stuff I have about as much talent as a dewback. I can paint model cars and stuff but this is a little more complex.

I keep hearing about small Studios that will paint the buckets for a price. What sort of price are we looking at here? Reasonable price? Reasonable time?

I'm still undecided if I'm going to go ESB or ROTJ. I kind of like the ESB Fett as the ROTJ one seems to be a little colorful to me.

I do paint work and build ups. Right now I have a full bench but if you can wait about 4 weeks I might be able to help you. My prices are out of the budget realm so if you are looking for an economical paint job hang in there, there are boat loads of talented people here that could hook you up.

I have done a bunch of painting work for alot of RPF members and a couple TDH members over the past 2 years, but since my new born daughter came along I nolonger have the time to do any extra work.

I used to charge $45 for painting alone with no building work for models and statues, and prop guns that required no building.
$75 painting and for minimunal body work stautes.

For a building a model my bottom line price $100 to start no matter how small and went up from there depending on complexity.

I have been told many a time my prices were VERY reasonable....
50+ painting/building jobs in a couple years I guess I was pretty reasonable. I had MANY repeat customers.

Right now I wouldn't touch a Fett helmet for less then $250-300 to paint one.

I had a DP Fett helmet painted here a while back just to burn some loose cash (which was just summer money :p), and it came back to me about two months after I sent it to be painted. I was moderately happy with it, and I had to finish off some minor details, but it was an overall good job. Great base paint job, nice weathering, and a top-notch replacement visor. No liner, LED or ventilation work (and some additional weathering needed to be done), but I didn't expect it either (for the price).

It ran around $100, which was a fair price, but I'm currently planning on purchasing a fiberglass recast or an MLC to paint myself. I'm no great painter, either, but I'd rather try it myself (for something I really don't want messed up) than spending precious cash on something that I may or may not be satisfied with. At least with painting, you can always repaint something you aren't happy with until you are happy with it. Hopefully, after screwing up and repainting several times over, I'll actually be a decent painter.

Really, the best resource you'll find are the reference pics and the advice of the veterans.

Cheers! :cheers

Lynn TXP 0369 wrote:

Right now I wouldn't touch a Fett helmet for less then $250-300 to paint one.

LOL thanks Lynn, but for that kind of money I could learn to paint a Picasso if need be.

I think I will just end up experimenting with stuff. My wife is an artist and can draw like no tomorrow. She has some paint experience as well so we'll see if I can't get her to become a Mandalorian Battle Armor Decorator... or something.

From RA's pricelist (which you can obtain just by asking him for one):

"Helmet Repaint, includes repaint in ESB, ROTJ, Jango paint scheme with visor, LEDs to RF, decals and reassembllly. $150 plus s/h.

Other helmet options include CPU fan $25, Chin strap $10, Padding $5. Custom work available as well. Electronics for RF (e-mail for options)

Replacement Visor for DP helmet $25"
Just do it yourself. There are tons of techniques and help available on this board. Save yourself some money, youll be needing it later anyway. I'm about as talented as a dewback too, but I was really impressed with my second attempt and plan on being even more pleased on my third.
I gotta agree, do it yourself. Actually, I would say the majority of the folks on this board would say they aren't terribly talented and yet have created some amazing work. Don't sell yourself short ;)
I'll have to agree with that!!! There are folks on thi board who say they have zip for talent, and then produce reee-diculously beautiful work. Give it a go, you never know till you try;)
I agree, give it a go yourself.

I figured I wouldn't be able to do my armour, but gave it a go and I'm really pleased with the results.

If it goes pear shaped, you still have the option of getting someone else do it, but if it looks good, you'll feel great for having done it yourself.

I posted this photo yesterday on another topic. I worded on this last Sunday.
This was about four hours of work. It is far from done, but I feel that I am off to a good start.
I would be willing to paint some helmets over the winter months, but I cant work on anything
until after Halloween.


TK1068 wrote:

I posted this photo yesterday on another topic. I worded on this last Sunday.
This was about four hours of work. It is far from done, but I feel that I am off to a good start.
I would be willing to paint some helmets over the winter months, but I cant work on anything
until after Halloween.


You should have waited until ALL the base colors were applied. Or in case you were weathering in a coat-by-coat basis, but the upper cheeks are way far from'd better start working with those. Other than's a great job.

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