New stuff for Gauntlets

Dark Side

Active Hunter
I start the project for the new stuff for the gauntlets.
These are few shot from the 3D realization.





I think this week I'll start the production of the first prototypes and I'll post the pics!
Every type of comment is welcome:thumbsup:
These look great, top work!

As different Jango Gauntlet makers have slightly different sized Gauntlets, I'm wondering what Gauntlet would you say the missile you are making is in scale with? MOW,FP, Rufkin... I only ask because my (most excellent) RR metal Gauntlet rocket looks way too small on my 2006MOW Gauntlets. Will yours be larger, smaller or similar size to the RussReplicas missile.

Also, are you still doing the Gauntlet hose connectors? They look way cool & I want them badly!

I can't answer at your question...
I scaled my stuff working only on my 482 mb of jango pics.
So I can't tell you if my stuff are larger, smaller or similar size comparative with MOW,FP, Rufkin gauntlets.
For example:the first time I saw my hardware on MOW gauntlets,was when Jangouri showed his costume version 2.0
And after in the Cruzer topic

Same thing for the knee darts...I never had the JD knee armor!
My personal knee darts version are differnt,but I never sold them I think is not good for JD knee armor.


As you can see the big one has a cut side like the real
(I mentioned JD knee because I think they are the most popular:) )

However,the measures of my material are not secret!

Abuot the hose connectors I'm still working for the right scale(IMO):)
Nice Knees!
Where did they come from?
I love the cut-outs in the Darts, very accurate touch!

So by any chance would you know how your missile compares in size to a Russ Replica missile? From Crusers pics I would guess yours is larger.

But above all, Love your work & looking forward to getting the whole set of Dark Side Jango Metal details!
Nice Knees!
Where did they come from?

They come from my hands!

About the missle I can tell you mine is long 18.3 cm,but before to talk about the size I want realize the first prototype.

Drawing them in Revit? Good job!!

I use Autodesk Inventor 9

will the new rocket tip be made from "Copper", rather than "Brass"?

The prototype will do in a special plastic, but I was thinking to not use metals to do it...I would make it very light...
I think the jango missile is painted and I also think it coulb be a resin copy of boba missle.
However I can use whatever material if someone ask me;).
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Hei Dark, good work on the new gauntlet pieces, are pure art!!!

And the knees... What I can say about this.... mmmm... yes, yes: :wacko :wacko :wacko
The prototype will do in a special plastic, but I was thinking to not use metals to do it...I would make it very light...
I think the jango missile is painted and I also think it coulb be a resin copy of boba missle.
However I can use whatever material if someone ask me;).

IMO, whatever keeps the cost down is best. Jango's rocket looks painted to me and not real metal.
Aluminum is nice and shiney, but it is also heavy. So I think resin is a great idea too. I agree that the rocket looks painted.
Last night I finished the 1st prototype
There is a couple small things that I would do better...
However I think the result is good:)


What do you think?
Wow, that's freak'n awesome!
I bet it's very lightweight too.
How come you went with a white colored plastic for the drilled out part and not black like the rest?

Great work bro!
I would really prefer to get it in aluminium and brass... :$ I prefer quality over weight ;) I'm strong :D I can handdle a LOT of weight ;) lol.

About size.. is this missile 1:1 ? or is a little oversized to match some of the gauntlets out there ??? (I saw the original in person and was really reall smaller than what I though... )


P.S.2. is there any difference between the Jango and the Boba missile ??
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