New idea for a cool addition to a Mando

Carb 1

New Hunter
a Sashimo (flag that Feudal-Era Japenese Samurai wore on their back)

but with a mythosaur skull, or your own emblem they are pretty cool and relativly easy to make if you can mount it, it would be a cool idea.

just something to think about.

Might not be very practical, but is it conceivable that Mando's could have something like that for ceremonial purposes? I don't see why not, when I see pics of the Kotor era Mandalores and their rather long, fairly impractical capes. I assume those got ditched or replaced with shorter versions when they actually went into battle?
Mandos aren't big on any kind of publicly shown ceremonial items/displays. They let their actions do the talking for the most part. If you look at Shatterpoint (which IMHO shows the best large-scale amount of KOTOR mandos) then you see that none of those guys have anything longer than a half-cape.
well be that as it may i still think that on some parts of Mandalore they might still use traditional dress for a leader/cheiftain and i like the idea anyway, and as for the practicallity of it i would not use it in battle because
A. the jet pack
B. the possibility of snipers
C. the uncanny ability of trandoshans to spot a large mythosaur skull floating around.

and any way if mandalorians aren't into ceremonial/traditional rig why do they all have the almost Trade-marked T visor........

all examples have the T
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even the old school mandos have the T.
Like Bendack Starkiller he was a while back and he used the T
and as for the practicallity of the T-visor would a whole face visor not prove for more visability?
yeah he was pretty awesome took me like three months to beat him but...
he used a T-visor so when i rolled he was blind and i took him out.:thumbsup:
and any way if mandalorians aren't into ceremonial/traditional rig why do they all have the almost Trade-marked T visor........

all examples have the T

In the modern traditional sets of armor (Jango/Boba looking sets) that is the standard for helmets. However, again if you look at the Kotor era you'll see that there was a wide variety in visor styles. Mando armor is extremely more standarized from the neo era on. The T visor also has more visibility than 98% of the Star Wars helmets we know of currently also while offering maximum protection. It's less about tradition and more about usefulness.

The only part of a mando kit that is really rooted in the past is the Kama or hunting skirt. That goes back to the Taung crusaders, and while it is useful it is a traditional item.

Not trying to tell you don't make it, but I am telling you that mandos as we know them wouldn't wear it. They don't care if you know what clan they are from or not...most mandos are gonna know that when they see the sigil on the armor. Mandos don't get into flags, banners, standards or things you have to carry that take up space for weapons or make fighting difficult. Mandos are ready to fight at the drop of a hat, all times...this kind of thing would only get in the way of that. Mandos speak through action, which is why mando culture is a meritocracy...your actions warrent your status.
i can see that but i am talking about for ceremonies or maybe a traditional rig the alpha male wears around the tribe or something.
and i dont see why modern mandos would use something like a T-visor instead of a full face with 100% visibility made of a super tough seethrough plastoid mat.
... i guess but that would go to a cosmetic thing, which a sahimo would fall into, which means that if you had a well recognised/ symbol it would mean business too. so yeah
Mandos aren't amazons...LOL! They don't need to wear something that identifies them as someone everyone in the clan already knows they are. The only ceremony mandos partake in is the rememberance of dead every morning, and the one time we've seen that done nobody was even in armor.

That whole last part I totally don't understand what that means.

Anyhow, like I said I'm not telling you not to make one. Just giving you something to think about as far as why it's not very "Mandalorian" in nature. Very samauri, but not very mando.
the last part i meant a fullface visor so it did not obstract the frontal view it just doesn't add up.
as for the sashimo i suppose it is just a thing that one mando might find cool and the others may not, and if i had to have one reason to have it it would probably be that if a mandos comms get knocked out on the battle field it would be to find the group/commander.
Just my view of the t-visor vs full face, anything you can see thru would be weaker then armor, and anything that can get thru the visor would kill you, so the t-visor is intimidating and a challenge.
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