Nerf Longshot Question guys.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Vaders_Pet
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Hey guys,
i just got mine in the post today, and i was wondering, all of you that have modded one of these what is the best way to paint it up? i'm scared of using an spray can because it might clog up all the bits that make it work, is this true? thanks guys in advance
Hi there, if I was to use spray on the gun, I would first unscrew the screws and only take off the top half of the unit and spray that first. Then do the same to the underside. Or you could take out the guts and fix back together and spray as a whole thing, then after put the guts back in.... hope you get it sorted ok......
well i have modified the mavrik before but not the long shot. Spray is gona be the way to go, i mean its the only way to get good coverage and keep it even. As for the moveing parts, well its a basic spring/piston power right? could take a picture, gut it, then follow the picture to put things back together?

your smart enought to make a costume, this should be easy right!!!
well this is my long shot and I painted it with out removing anything and I have not had a problem at all.
well this is my long shot and I painted it with out removing anything and I have not had a problem at all.
Looking good there mate, just spme quick questions for you.
i dont see the handle for the bolt action, did you find a way to make it work without them, or is there just one on the other side?
that scope looks alot like the one like mine that i bought, i got a tasco 3-9X zoom. is there any way to align the sights so when i fire i hit what i can see through the scope?
and i have seen, heard, and been told that you can remove the air suppressor inside the gun, and also strengthen the spring inside to get a better range from the darts. has anyone been able to do this, and if so, how can i do those two things without breaking the gun?
thanks in advance guys
Looking good there mate, just spme quick questions for you.
i dont see the handle for the bolt action, did you find a way to make it work without them, or is there just one on the other side?
that scope looks alot like the one like mine that i bought, i got a tasco 3-9X zoom. is there any way to align the sights so when i fire i hit what i can see through the scope?
and i have seen, heard, and been told that you can remove the air suppressor inside the gun, and also strengthen the spring inside to get a better range from the darts. has anyone been able to do this, and if so, how can i do those two things without breaking the gun?
thanks in advance guys
lets see
I usualy dont have the bolt handle attached when I am trooping in it.
The scope is only for looks no matter how cool this nerf gun is, lets face it it's still only a nurf gun.
The best website to check out about modding the LS to shoot further is they have whole sections and boards about modding Nerf guns and one board dedicated to the LS
I was getting ready to paint mine as well. I was thinking of using a ltouch of painters tape in the slide to protect it.

For those who have painted them, did you prime them first?

Hey morpheus, i remember someone on another thread mentioning krylon fusion paint, it's designed for plastics. They said there was a military gun black you could get, but i can' find it over here in aus. any idea on where i could get it online, and prices? thanks bud
I was getting ready to paint mine as well. I was thinking of using a ltouch of painters tape in the slide to protect it.

For those who have painted them, did you prime them first?


from what i've heard buck, alot of plastic speciliazed paints don't need priming, that Krylon Fusion is one of them.
Hey morpheus, i remember someone on another thread mentioning krylon fusion paint, it's designed for plastics. They said there was a military gun black you could get, but i can' find it over here in aus. any idea on where i could get it online, and prices? thanks bud
I would just do a search for air soft guns.
Hey morpheus, i remember someone on another thread mentioning krylon fusion paint, it's designed for plastics. They said there was a military gun black you could get, but i can' find it over here in aus. any idea on where i could get it online, and prices? thanks bud
but just to give you an example here is an air soft gun I picked up at a swap meet

and here it is after taking off all the extra's so with a little paint and weathering and blinking LED's (totally optional for you but I always add a couple) you have a decent Star Wars esque gun for under 30 dollars U.S.
but just to give you an example here is an air soft gun I picked up at a swap meet

and here it is after taking off all the extra's so with a little paint and weathering and blinking LED's (totally optional for you but I always add a couple) you have a decent Star Wars esque gun for under 30 dollars U.S.
Very nice gun there, but i think there may of been some miscommunication. I was actually asking about the Krylon paint, there was a colour called "military gun black" or something to that effect. they don;t sell that type of paint over here, would you know of where online i could get it?
That's the same gun I'm converting to a Mandalorian shotgun. Except I ripped off the stock, the weaver rails and all that **** shrouding the barrel.
Very nice gun there, but i think there may of been some miscommunication. I was actually asking about the Krylon paint, there was a colour called "military gun black" or something to that effect. they don;t sell that type of paint over here, would you know of where online i could get it?
ohhh sorry about that. All you are looking for is paint for plastic thats all.
I used the regular Krylon spray paint and it worked perfectly-plus, you have a much wider variety of colors. Also, I hate the button/nozzle on the Fusion paints too, although that's just my thoughts on it. I primered it before painting, I always do. And I really didn't tape it up and the slide works fine, and all the other moving parts-none painted shut or anything, and it still shoots.

I used the Ultra Flat Camo Black spraypaint from Krylon. It has Fusion in it, acts as a primer, gives a nice "parkerized-type" finish and looks outstanding when finished!
I also added a Spas grip, and flashlight.

I used the Ultra Flat Camo Black spraypaint from Krylon. It has Fusion in it, acts as a primer, gives a nice "parkerized-type" finish and looks outstanding when finished!
I also added a Spas grip, and flashlight.


Looks excellent bounty's, any chance of you being able to tell me where i can order some of that online? they dont sell that type of paint in stores over here.
That looks really nice, I'm impressed. The light was a great idea actually. I really need to get mine finished so I can show you mine. I think mine is probably the most cut up and reshaped that I've seen thus far, hopefully I'll like it when I'm finished with it. I think my next project will be a DC-15-anyone know where you can buy a DC-15 kit or the like? If not I'm going to have to break out the wood carving tools and make a wooden model from a tutorial I found a while back.

Oh yeah Vaders Pet, I'm betting someone here would ship you a can or two. Are you allowed to ship aerosol cans on planes due to all the new anti-terror laws formed after 911? I'm not sure how that would work...Thoughts?

That looks really nice, I'm impressed. The light was a great idea actually. I really need to get mine finished so I can show you mine. I think mine is probably the most cut up and reshaped that I've seen thus far, hopefully I'll like it when I'm finished with it. I think my next project will be a DC-15-anyone know where you can buy a DC-15 kit or the like? If not I'm going to have to break out the wood carving tools and make a wooden model from a tutorial I found a while back.

Oh yeah Vaders Pet, I'm betting someone here would ship you a can or two. Are you allowed to ship aerosol cans on planes due to all the new anti-terror laws formed after 911? I'm not sure how that would work...Thoughts?

yeah, i just thought about that after i posted up that last post about the whole terrorist thing. i'm not too sure on the laws now but i don't think they allow aerosol on planes, or is that just when it's in someone's carry on luggage?
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