Need vest help/advice concerning found fabric

Jangos kid

Well-Known Hunter
Hey folks. I need some advice with my vest. I recently applied for 501st membership. I was told that my suit was really good with one exception. I might have trouble concerning my vest. Now, I used the found vest fabric that Bobafettish ordered for us, as I know many others have as well. It really like the fabric, and I'm not contesting that its the right stuff to use, but it shows up like reflector tape when photographed!!! That could be a problem. SO...I'm hoping some of you might have some tips on how to correct this. I've been talking with my buddy JFJR, & he thought that spraying it with dullcoat might be a good option. I might try that. I had also kicked around the idea of tryng to dye it with rit pearl grey, but I'm afraid this stuff isn't donna take dye. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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i had one like that..all shiny and wat not, i misted it w/ spraypaint (tan) from about 4 feet away, worked great! but it was a lil stiff at first. but the hsine was gone!
Dude, if your GML is giving you a hard time over that vest, I say F 'em. I've seen alot of very substandard Bobas in the 501st membership pics. Your costume looks great. As far as the sheen... I'd just say weather it some more, but don't go as far as dying it.
SaxeCoburg said:
Dude, if your GML is giving you a hard time over that vest, I say F 'em. I've seen alot of very substandard Bobas in the 501st membership pics. Your costume looks great. As far as the sheen... I'd just say weather it some more, but don't go as far as dying it.

i think there's been a lot of push to stop with the sub-standard thing.

i think the vest looks too clean, but otherwise GREAT. mist it with some dirt colors... grey, black, brown... and i'm sure you'll be fine.
Thanx alot fellas. I'm considering misting it with some grey through my airbrush, then following it up with a shot of dullcoat as JFJR suggested. . I really don't know for shure how big a deal they are going to make out of the vest. I've only been in contact with one member so far, and he mentioned that the vest may or may not be an issue, so I dunno for shure at this point. I may be jumping the gun a bit with this, but I really wanna make shure I've got everything right so I can get in for shure. Maybe it won't be an issue at all, have to go through a review process I guess. But for my own satisfaction, I still want to do something about the vest anyway. It sticks out like a sore thumb IMO. :lol: Thanx again for the comments guys;)
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You tell your GML that the vest material is the closest thing to screen-used he can get. :)

The others are right, you may want to tone it down a little with spray paint, but, dude, your costume rocks! Feel free to PM me the name of your GML and I'll go to bat for ya!
Thanx bat. Like I said, it might turn out that it isn't to big of a deal, so I'll have to wait & see what they say. Just wanna make sure I have it perfect cause I wanna join really really bad;)
Hey man... Graeme and I have been discussing this since last night with your GML. Apparently there's a slight miscommunication. He says he never told you that you couldn't get in... just felt it MIGHT be too shiny and COULD POSSIBLY prevent it. I told him repeatedly that its the correct fabric... as close to the real deal you can currently get and your Fett is better than 80% of the Fetts currently IN the Legion. Your costume is GORGEOUS!

You've got the same exact material I have for my vest and you have the same problem I had at first as well. Actually when I bought it off BobaFettish he was telling everyone to actually use the fabric inside out as that was closer to the correct sheen. Not sure if you did the same or not. All you need to do is exactly what you're talking about now. Mist is lightly with some gray, black, tan... mix it up... VERY lightly and from far away. This will kick down the shine just enough and keep the look you need (you want some shine still). It will weather it perfectly. DO NOT dye it since it's already the right color!

My opinion and point to him was that no matter if your vest is "too shiny" or not its still completely ready for approval as is. There are so many Fetts currently in the Legion that can't even hold a candle to your costume and to even consider it not ready is just mindboggling. Sure I recommend weathering it but seriously... they can't be serious if they think that won't get it into the Legion. :lol: In fact I was telling Graeme last night how humorous and Ironic this is considering your Fett costume is better then your own GML's suit and much more accurate. I was able to pick out several "issues" with his suit that were much worse than a shiny vest. :lol:

Dirty it up, send him your helmet on and off pictures (head to toe) and you should be good to go. Good luck!
SaxeCoburg said:
Dude, if your GML is giving you a hard time over that vest, I say F 'em. I've seen alot of very substandard Bobas in the 501st membership pics. Your costume looks great. As far as the sheen... I'd just say weather it some more, but don't go as far as dying it.


bloody hell have you seen the 501st Boba's?!

some are funny as hell!!! (read: uglier then ugliest)

IMO... jealousy?? for cryin'out loud... the people with the least bit of talent always have the biggest mouths? atleast that's my experience... this could be your reply:
"well then, if your "keen sight for detail" is better then myn as what you're saying now... go ahead and top my work!!! otherwise, shut it!!"

sorry, but I don't even see a bloody reason why to bring it up in that manner.

If he were just another Fett costumer I might tolerate such a comment on your suit... I mean for god's sake... it doesn't get much better then yours?!

(ahm... your GML is a storm trooper...?) He wished he had a Fett like yours... I mean in his badd-*ss-ed dreams!! or even half of your quality for that matter!!!

or ofcourse he is a *EDIT: read as the best* fett costumer and I allready apologize and am shutting up now...

but erhm... even then... so what's next? you're wearing the wrong underwear under your costume... sjees...

Now I know why I never got a reply for my aplication, nothing of my thing probably met with their "standards"... well if this is 501st mentallity... I'll pass :thumbsdown:

ow and JK... if anyone ever dares to comment your suit again... just hit em... for me aswell??
If your really bothered with it....I'll take it off your hands...LOL
and your armor green...:lol: ...I'll take them too! LOL
Seriously your suit ROCKS!!
Guys lets not blow it out of proportion! I think the comment about the vest not being acceptible for 501st membership was misinterpreted, it just seems that their GML thought it might be a problem being that shiny. Let's allll calm down, he's going to be allowed in ;)
Geeze, I guess this did get blown out of proportion. For the record. I applied to 501st and have only had contact with the GML. He was extremely helpful to me and very nice. He simply stated that the vest COULD....As in MIGHT be an issue. He never said that I was not getting in. In fact, he said I could go ahead and fill out the application etc. I have still not had my review, so he just offered me a friendly suggestion that the vest could maybe use some attention. I agree with him 100%. I don't like the way it currently looks. The purpose of this thread was to ask for advice so I could make the vest look better, not to get people pointing fingers at the GML or 501st. I have appologized to the GML for any negativity I may have unknowingly stirred up. I am dissapointed that some negativity was directed toward the 501st because of this thread. It is probably my fault for not being clear enough, and I'm truley sorry if I came off as being upset about the vest comment etc. I am not. This is a big mixup, and I'm really sorry if I mislead some folks. It has been my dream to join the 501st for over three years, and it would really make me sad if there were negative conotations to my being accepted. I sincerely appreciate all of the support of my TDH brothers, but please lets not make anything more of this. Thanx guys;)
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