Need Gauntlet Help


Active Hunter
This is a pair of Blood Sport Studios gauntlets. This was also my first ever painting attempt on my Fett project so I'm off to a bad start..

Does anyone have an nifty ideas on how I can get these to stay closed? Don't really have a way to velcro them.

2nd pic is to show off my attempted paintjob

3rd pic shows the weight of this baby 2lbs 4oz
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day-um! is that thing cast in cement?


for the closure, you could glue a strip of plastic to the inside of one half of the shell, so that it is on the inside, under the edge of the other half. put velcro on the outside of that bit of plastic and the inside of the other piece, and it will hold it butted together.
Post a picture of what the insides look like. That may help us to get ideas how they can attach.

The right gauntlet looks like a Jango Fett right gauntlet... :confused

Worse comes to worse, consider these a practice set and get a set of Ruffkintoys or wait on the MOW.
Hey Wes :)

First off .. How do they fit when you put the 2 shells on ? do the seams butt up or are your arms small enough to where the sides will overlap ?

I take it these are made or resin, so there will be no flex to them.

I'd either do what Brian suggests with inside shims and attach velro to it on both seams. or hinge the inside seam and shim (or overlap them if your able) the outside and velco em.

Secondly Bloodsport outta be linched for selling crap like that, no offence to you but I know for a fact his pic's DONOT reflect what you eventually recieve. You arent the first to post having problems with the crap this loser is pushing.

Another idea, maybe a last resort, might be to get ahold of some styrene or a sheet of abs and make the bottoms yourself, it would'nt be that hard to cut and heat/bend it to shape, and would certainly be better then what you have to work with right now.

Take more pic's of them and post, lets see the insides, and also how the seams butt up. We'll do our best to help
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No offense taken LP, I already had a lengthy discussion with BSS about his products. I added a few pics, maybe this will help.

Thanks for the input guys!
Hm... well let me tell you that you did a good job on the paint job! The resin rocket does look a tad bent though, but no worries. You might want to wash it off with some black or so. A nice mist of a flat black would do.

About attaching them... Hm... I have the Ruffkintoy styrene gauntlets, and they are quite flexible unlike these resin bloodport studios. I'm thinking about velcro, but I don't even know how people put resin or fiberglass ones together!

What did BPS have to say about their product when you confronted them about it?
I had bought a pair of gauntlets from BSS which haven't come in yet. I have emailed him 2 times since paying for the auction. He hasn't responed yet, although it took me 3 days after the auction to pay because I was getting a error code every time I attempted to make payment. But he did sent invoices like 3-4 times a day. I finally got the error corrected and now I haven't heard from him. But before i bought them I conforted him about his auction pics. I told him I heard that the items we get are not the ones shown on the auction page, he said that it is not a recast and who ever says that is .....(well I'm just not going to say it.) But anyhow by looking at what you got Delta75 I now have a better idea of what I'm getting. Can anyone direct me a good thread about painting the gauntlets?

I plan to use these as a starter
Depending on the width of your lower arms you can always attach cupboard magnets on the inside. I use two pairs of 4lbs (or was it 8lbs) magnets to hold the two halves together. Works great imo. The only down side is that you have to make sure that you don't have any fabric cought in the magnets since this will drastically lower their "pull" on eachother.
99centTaco said:
I had bought a pair of gauntlets from BSS which haven't come in yet. I have emailed him 2 times since paying for the auction. He hasn't responed yet, although it took me 3 days after the auction to pay because I was getting a error code every time I attempted to make payment. But he did sent invoices like 3-4 times a day. I finally got the error corrected and now I haven't heard from him. But before i bought them I conforted him about his auction pics. I told him I heard that the items we get are not the ones shown on the auction page, he said that it is not a recast and who ever says that is .....(well I'm just not going to say it.) But anyhow by looking at what you got Delta75 I now have a better idea of what I'm getting. Can anyone direct me a good thread about painting the gauntlets?

I plan to use these as a starter
Why would you buy from him? You are expecting way too much from this guy if you were to PM him saying they better be what's in the pictures. BBS has a huge problem with giving you what you order, the pictures are one thing, the product is another. I probably wouldn't buy gauntlets from anyone other than Ruffkintoy, those things are great.

I hope you get your gauntlets soon!!!

Boba Swede had the same idea that I did. Also, they might fit together a little better too if the middle section of the hinge was sitting outside the pieces.

Kind of like in this pic:

You would have to remove the hinges, dremel out a "groove" for the middle part of the hinge to stick out, then re-glue/attach the hinges.

You can also see it here in this pic:

Once you've done that, the other side should fit together a little better (hopefully) and you can use the magnet technique to close the gauntlets.
I know I didn't want to buy from him but I have a Hugh event coming up (Parade) and my cousin wants to wear the boba for it before he moves out of town. And with little funds and timing I felt I had no choice.

GCNgamer128 said:
Why would you buy from him? You are expecting way too much from this guy if you were to PM him saying they better be what's in the pictures. BBS has a huge problem with giving you what you order, the pictures are one thing, the product is another. I probably wouldn't buy gauntlets from anyone other than Ruffkintoy, those things are great.

I hope you get your gauntlets soon!!!
GCN : Thanks for the compliments on the paint, I'm slowly learning. As for BSS, he contacted me after I posted somewhere on this forum that his gauntlets sucked. Saying it was the assembler not the gauntlets. Which I admitted was part of the issue I'm sure. Fact is, they are not near as nice as they could be if he put some effort into it. Something else I didn't realize until someone here mentioned it was both of the bottom shells are for the right arm..ughh I have not heard back from BSS since my reply but he lurks on here and knows what I said was true.

Jonich & Swede: thanks for the input. I'm going to try these suggestions tonight and I'll post some pics.

I did contact Ruffkintoys for some new ones, just waiting on a reply.
Delta75 said:
he contacted me after I posted somewhere on this forum that his gauntlets sucked. Saying it was the assembler not the gauntlets.

I know it wasn't the assembler.

Even it you take crap and make it pretty, all you end up with is a pretty crap. :facepalm
Thanks guys, I spoke to Ruffkintoys so I should have a set of his soon. As for these, I could always use the left gaunt for a boat anchor..
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