Neckseal-close in front or back??


Well-Known Hunter
Here is a good one, what is the proper way to close your neckseal, front or back?? I have seen people do it both ways. I guess if your neckseal is built into your vest, you probably have to close in the back, and if attached to your jumpsuit, you close it in the front. If its a seperate piece, I guess you have the choice(as I do). Since I am going for an AOSW theme, my intention would be to close it in the front to be accurate to the AOSW display. Discuss.
I believe the "real" neckseal attaches to the Jumpsuit, so it closes in the front.
Mine is seperate, I close it in the front.
like you said, if it's attached to the vest, then back

Front is "correct" but rear is fine too.
I agree 100%. On the Original costume the neck seal is on the Jumpsuit, so front closure is the way to go. It is held closed by White Velcro at the top and Hook 'n Eye in the middle.
I agree that the neck seal should be on the jumpsuit. Of all the photos I saw of the original suite, it seems to makes sence. The smoothness around the neck of the vest seems the the neck seal is attatched to the jumpsuit. However I have seen the ones on the vest and they look just as nice.
It closes in the front and should be sewn onto the jumpsuit. Funny that I had been wearing mine the wrong way the entire time I had been Fetting ... thanks to GBH for catching this.;)
So, let me ask a question. I would like the opinion of the masses please. Would you prefer a neck seal that is seperate, or would you prefer a neck seal that is attached to the suit?

It seems to me that having attached to the suit, would help make the costume a bit more comfortable, it is one less little layer of fabric that is not needed. Which can make the costume more hot and less comfortable. On the other hand, if it is separate, you could use with the opening in the front, or the opening in the back, depending on what version you are going with at the time. So it would be more functional. What does everyone think is better?
Hey Alcfalath,

You are the very reason I am checking up on this. I have been thinking about this and ran it by my friends. One other drawback would be that you cannot modify and change the color of the suit if the seal is attached, and you would be stuck with the seal facing front, or facing back, which ever way you decide. You would not be able to alternate if you decided to do one version and then change to a different version.

Comfort-wise, I think it would be MORE comfortable with it attached to the flighsuit, rather than as an extra piece.

Hm, Hope others chime in!!

Nice to know Lady,

Well whatever you go for im sure I, and everyone else, will like. :-) as long as the seal can be done up at the front though :-P I just love the snug feeling of them, as I have used them before when flying :D
Hi Debbi,

Movie accuracy is always a plus, but if you do have a quality product, why stop at just one method? There are some others [like me ;)] who are happy with their jumpsuits but are in the market for neckseals as is.

As for the front or back attachment, have it as an option? If you can manage it?

Just my thoughts...

Stay safe,

I have no intention of limiting production of the neck seal to one or the other, just wanted to get a general opinion if sewn on is better, or if sewn on would not be canon. I would definitely make it a choice.

I research everything that I make, as much as possible. It is very important for me, for us, to make a good costume, that is THE most important thing!

I love SW. I love costuming and the detail of this costume, the attention to detail for the construction of these costumes are amazing. I find it a challenge and fun, to make as close to canon as possible.

Again, thanks to everyone who has given me info on this forum!!

Thought I'd put my 2 cents in.

Here is a reference photo of the costume and the way the neckseal is attached:

Personally, I like it attached to the jumpsuit. Seems more accurate. However, it being separate would be fine too. I don't think it would be noticeable as its own piece.

Copy that! Am looking forward to your new work on the neckseals. Thanks again for doing this.

Stay safe,

I think if you were to offer them, I would do both ways- suits with neckseals built it, and neckseals seperate for those who already have suit/vest.
Yes, I think that is the best way!

But I did want to find out how the actual costume was made. There are so many details that come to light for me everyday. It is very interesting.

Sometimes, there are details that just jump out at me that I never have seen before.

My nephew lives in Sacramento. He traveled down to visit last year and went to C4 with us. He went home and bought armor, intending to be Jango, and then got too busy and has not had time to work on it much.
I would like to get as many details as possible to help him out when he decides to finish. And I am going to surprise him with a suit one of these days!!

Thanks again to everyone for the ideas and input!

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