Myles Armor


New Hunter
Ok, I've been looking through the Open Season comic and have decided I really want to do Myles' armor in issue 3. As I've been looking at the armor it looks like it is weathered but how do you weather straight metal like Jango armor and make it believable. Any suggestions? This is the armor (and yes I know that I'll get the Jango Fett comments a lot but I like this armor so I'll just live with it):
Looks cool. I don't know about anyone else, but you might want to take to a guy named wickedbeard. He makes metal mando armor and has done alot of painting with it so should be able to help. I'm planning on getting my armor from him once I get some personal financial support.

The helmet ears are quite a bit different than the Jango/Boba ones. Nice to see something a bit different there.
I would suggest using rub and buff on fiberglass armor and weathering it with pastel challk and charcoal, and then sealing it with clear coat. Then go over it again some light misting.

I would also see if you can sculpt up those ears and be sure to use the square look on the shoulder bells, which remind me of how jango knees look

to do the weathering you could make washes with watered down acrylic paint and windex if i member right and just use a rag and go over it im going to try this when i get my current mando paintjob finished, didnt like it much so im redoing it
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