My Syntra Jet Pack using templates


Well-Known Hunter
My Syntra Jetpack using templates

Hi guys I have been working on this jet pack using wizards outstanding templates . ''Thank you'' Wizard for sharing.:) Now this jet pack will be for a Jedi version and most of the entire body is made out of syntra except for the canisters I used beer cans and reinforced them with fiberglass. The rocket is made up from a PVC pipe ,Aircone freshners, spraybottles and water bottlecaps. This project has been very easy so far,and has costed me barely nothing. These are the pics of what I have done so far, sorry I did not take any earlier pics.I just wanted to show you guys how successful and fun it is to work on this project using Wizards templates. I have a few more pics but I can't post them for some reason. Anyway this jet pack still need ssome more work and more tweakings. Btw the jet pack thrusters were sold to me by another board member who needed to part with them,Im not sure what origin they are from but they will serve well for this jet pack.

Picture 025.jpg

Picture 020.jpg
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looks awesome,

just wondering if you're going to have the back plate on it come all the way up or not

if you don't know which part i mean i can clarify

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Wow, what a great home-made pack! Great work!

I'm wondering too if you're going to put the curved back part on behind the base of the rocket?
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Man its pics like that which make me want to give making a jet pack myself :jet pack
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Sweet!!! Thats really looking great so far. Look forward to seeing it completed!!!
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ARGH!!!!! everyone has a good jet pack these days. man, and i still can't find sintra at where i live! great job man! it's better then i can even do
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Thanks guys for your compliments. Yes I wiil add that curved back piece you guys are talking about plus the harness system and electronics. I know the Jedi version beacon does not light up but I still want it to light up. Beleive it or not guys I can put a jet pack like this together in just 1 week.This jet pack was made from syntra that I found behind a plastic manufacturing warehouse,soon I will go back to find some more syntra. If I find more syntra I will begin on another jet pack and lots more of armor pieces for a ESB and custome mandelore.
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Thanks guys for your compliments. Yes I wiil add that curved back piece you guys are talking about plus the harness system and electronics. I know the Jedi version beacon does not light up but I still want it to light up. Beleive it or not guys I can put a jet pack like this together in just 1 week.This jet pack was made from syntra that I found behind a plastic manufacturing warehouse,soon I will go back to find some more syntra. If I find more syntra I will begin on another jet pack and lots more of armor pieces for a ESB and custome mandelore.

I know what you mean, as logn as you have everything planned out you can put it together very quickly.

My project is coming along. I camped out for a couple months doing found parts research for the rocket and such before i did glueing. I started mine up again around the 27th and by the beginnign of january had the body all done.

And after you make one, it can only get easier right? :cheers

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Damn you are good. Looks as if you purchased that from a prop dealer! Thats how good you are!

More pics please!
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