My scratchbuilt shin tools using WoF plans


Well-Known Hunter
My scratchbuilt shin tools ala WoF PAINTED!!

Almost done with these suckers...

I find it so hard to finish one area of Boba before I want to move on to another...sheesh!

Thanks go out to WoF!! I used his template measurements and a pic of Bobamaker's tools to kind of get the idea of what I wanted. So a hardy Thanks to BM also!

Here they be so far...




And a couple of rough form pics...



Still need to do a little work on the anti-security blade. I've already got the things together to finish it with, just need to find the time and patience to work on it!!!

Let me know what you think!
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Those look really good! But if you don't mind me asking, why not just use the found items/parts?

A. Thanks!

B. No I don't mind you asking at all. Everytime I've seen a Paterson squeegee come up on eBay recently it's in the UK. And while the price for them has been extremely cheap compared to the new price, the shipping was always like 25 or 30 dollars to the US. No thanks. (although I just saw one on there the today that looked an ok price, but I had already started making these so feh!)

Plus I just like making stuff. This gives me the satisfaction of knowing that I put my (and WoF's) hard work into something and came up with something that wasn't mass produced, machine-stamped, or tested on animals?:lol: J/K

The only thing that I didn't already have here to finish this project with was the top I used on the survival knife. So the only real investment here is my personal time.
They look realy good ,I have a real patterson & that looks spot on ,sorry to hear of the high shipping from here :facepalm

I also have a real stirstick going spare if anyone wants it for what it cost me I bid on two and won both !!& I wont charge $30 shipping !! It should only be around $5-$7 to the US for something that size thats extortion .

Anyway I was going to ask what you used for the jet pack adjuster tool ,pretty neat :)
Plus I just like making stuff. This gives me the satisfaction of knowing that I put my (and WoF's) hard work into something and came up with something that wasn't mass produced, machine-stamped, or tested on animals? J/K

Nice job on the tools, they are looking good !!!:thumbsup:
Anyway I was going to ask what you used for the jet pack adjuster tool ,pretty neat :)

I used a 3/8 inch dowel for the shaft. The top is a wooden wheel hub for craft projects, and the bottom is 3/8 inch socket that I used putty on to fill in the etched in numbers and details.

The top of the JP adj. tool actually has design carved into it, but it is subtle and doesn't really show up in the pic. I think I will probably etch them in a little deeper.
Now that's cool!! Great work! Glad the templates worked out. I started the knife, but haven't had the time to get back to it.

How do you plan on painting the knife to get the yellowish tint?

Can't wait to see them finished.

Now that's cool!! Great work! Glad the templates worked out. I started the knife, but haven't had the time to get back to it.

How do you plan on painting the knife to get the yellowish tint?

Can't wait to see them finished.



I'm not sure yet about the knife color. I've kind of been pondering on that one also. The first thing I was thinking was some kind of silver with a Games Workshop Chestnut Wash and then sealing it with a clearcoat of some kind.

I'll probably try several different methods on some scrap plastic before going full out on the knife.

I'm not sure yet about the knife color. I've kind of been pondering on that one also. The first thing I was thinking was some kind of silver with a Games Workshop Chestnut Wash and then sealing it with a clearcoat of some kind.

I'll probably try several different methods on some scrap plastic before going full out on the knife.

Copper or gold color with some silver scratches, then a very light mist of brown and black primer. Top it off with a dull coat.;)
I was figuring on trying steel for the base coat then shoot a layer of Tamiya transparent yellow, to start then experiment with the weathering.

Here's a little more progress on the last one to be finished. I'm working on trimming down the metal bars with the knurled bits.

Whoa!! Great job!! What was the final cost of materials? $3?


Yeah, I had next to nothing in material cost, just because I am a huge packrat and always have something here to build something out of. The biggest investment is time, which always seems to be in short supply while doing this display.

I just finished printing out a pattern for the shin pockets, so tomorrow I guess I'll be working with the sewing machine again!
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