My Scratch Built Jet Pack


Sr Hunter
My Scratch Built Jetpack

Well I built this a while ago, maybe 6 months, and I decided that it needs some fixing up since I don't wear it anyways. Right now it is getting sanded down and it should get some modifications put on tomorrow, there are pieces missing and the jets on the side need to be remade, along with the part on the top that the rocket goes into. If you hadn't guessed it all ready, it is going to be put in the ESB paint scheme. I also need to build a rocket, but I may not know how that will turn out, so if anyone has one laying around that they wouldn't mind selling, send me a PM, thanks.

The sanding has begun!

Tomorrow I shall finish sanding and run down to the store to get some Goop to fill in some holes, and I'll search for materials to use to fix up parts.
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Wow that is cool. I just want to let you know you have inspired me to make my own. First I started with primitive tools then I bought a dremel WOW that sped work up dramatically. So far my "Thin pack" is made of pop cans cardboard a wine case. elmers glue, tape. It looks magnifiecnt and it's not even close to done. I will try to get some batteries for my camera but there are some considerations. with the exception of the dremel I could not spend more than 20 bucks. second is it has to be light (it has to be worn by my four year old Jango) and durable. Thus a stubby and the thinness makes it far less bulky. As for time I gave myself 1 week. I am half done two days into it and it has already started to take shape. I still logged 12 hours into the project already.

Thanks you guys
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Sorry I haven't had any updates on my backpack with jets, I recently got a new helmet made from plastic resin and it is just about done. So once I finish my bucket I'll start again on the jet pack again.
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Thanks. I just bought a 4'x8' sheet of freakin' sintra, so I should be able to start working on the rocket. I may have the rocket built around a wooden round stick, and then have sintra rings go up and down the stick. I would then fill in with Bondo or so. I then may have it recasted into a lightweight resin, but with about 20 days until Comic Con, I will probably have to carry the brick :D
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I've got tons, and I mean TONS of Sintra left, I'm tempted to plug in all of your Boba Fett templates and press print :) Laser cutting is pretty cool. I get charged $1 a minute though, haha. This batch costed me $30.

Maybe I should start making a helmet with it laser cut? You just can't beat all of those perfect arcs and cuts!!
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Sa'weet! Were do you get laser cutting done at? Hopefully its a franchise kinda deal, cuz then I don't have to drive over to vegas to get it done:lol: Keep it up man :thumbsup:
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deadbolt said:
Sa'weet! Were do you get laser cutting done at? Hopefully its a franchise kinda deal, cuz then I don't have to drive over to vegas to get it done:lol: Keep it up man :thumbsup:
My CO does laser cutting for a living.
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dang that rocket stuff looks nice!! i tried it out of cardboard and posterboard and it sucked so mabey ill try it out of sintra. nice job!
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I put them all on the wooded dowel, and I started to glue some parts. The rocket is made to be removable for easy storage and mobility.

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Wow the modifications you have done are awesome. That thing looks really good. I wish I had access to a laser cutter.........that would be such a time saver!

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Hello everyone!! Here is a little update. I finished the rocket, it got painted silver because I was bored.. I also started to build up on the body a little with Bondo. I also am working on the side nozzles, but I forgot to take a picture, d'oh!



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:eek:Whew:eek: ... very nice work there! Just a quick question about your rocket setup. I don't know what the rod that is going to connect the rocket to the pack is made out of, but isn't it a little thin (short in diameter.) Reason I ask, is because the rocket may easily break off the rod if you hit it against something.
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