My Mystery (recast) Progress


Active Hunter
heres some progress pics on my mystery recast helmet I got from a friend a while back.
I dont have the stalk or the rf yet, I'm going to buy both of them from BM...






No way. I got this from a friend of mine who owns a real SgtFang Mystery bucket & he took a cast of it and had someone do the fiberglass (a ****** job I might add) on it.

P.S. Thanks again for all the info on that *** amiadfilter or however its spelled.
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deadbolt said:
No way. I got this from a friend of mine who owns a real SgtFang Mystery bucket & he took a cast of it and had someone do the fiberglass (a crappy job I might add) on it.

i think that post is just about to make you reeeeaaaaally unpopular on this board.

getting a recast of something off of ebay without knowing any better is pretty common. straight out saying that your friend recast the helmet is a pretty good way to make sure that future questions go unanswered... that sort of thing is VERY unpopular here.
tk7602 said:
straight out saying that your friend recast the helmet is a pretty good way to make sure that future questions go unanswered... that sort of thing is VERY unpopular here.


That is exactly what I was just thinking - nothing like shooting yourself in the foot...

Whats going on?
I seriously got this from my best freind about a year and a half ago.
I'm sorry if you don't belive me...
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tk7602 said:
i think that post is just about to make you reeeeaaaaally unpopular on this board.

getting a recast of something off of ebay without knowing any better is pretty common. straight out saying that your friend recast the helmet is a pretty good way to make sure that future questions go unanswered... that sort of thing is VERY unpopular here.

True but did your friends sell you this helmet or just give it too you?
deadbolt said:
Whats going on?
I seriously got this from my best freind about a year and a half ago.
I'm sorry if you don't belive me...


recasting is about the cardinal sin on this forum... it's essentially considered stealing the original artist's work.

knowingly buying a recast is bad. saying that your friend is the one that that did the recasting is even worse. when someone in good faith buys a bucket on ebay thinking it's real, you can't really fault them for it.

it would be like going into a band's forum and talking about how your friend copied a bunch of cds for you. if the artist or the artist's friends saw that, they would likely not have a very high opinion of you.
He did it for free but I had to pay for the fiberglass work.
btw I'm only 16 & at the time I bought this I didn't realy have the money at the time to buy a real Mystery, MS or BM or somthing else, & I didnt know much about "The Boba" ;) at the time so I thought nothing of it.
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but he's not planning on selling them or anything. Just for personal use right?
RogueStudio's is doing a recast on the original thing. I think that If It is for personal use it should be okay.

But I'm not a mod, so whatever they say definitly goes.
but that is where it starts.. if it was easy for him to do the first time you can do over and over... i myself feel victim to a couple bad boba purchases off ebay before i found you guys here at TDH. i take it as lesson learned for not doing research, but it does show there is enough intrest for these guys to recast to their hearts content withour any regard for the original artist. someone will buy it not knowing the truth!

deadbolt - if you cant afford it.. that is cool... you wait and save or wait till someone here upgrades and sells theirs for a deal... the route of i just had my buddy recast his is BAD... VERY BAD
I have to say deadbolt was probably ignorant when he got the helmet. I mean I purchased a recast myself off of ebay a while back before I knew of the TDH. It was from that dirtbag amildifilter.

But I also have to agree TK 7602, that IS the same thing as going on a bands website forum and bragging about how your friend "ripped" you a bunch of their cd's. And Im not talking about Big bands like Black Sabbath or Metallica, im talking about smalle local bands like Cookie Mongoloid. But if someone recasted a DP for you or something, that is a little more forgivable. You can compare DP to like Metallica (the big bands). But BM and MS and Sgt. Fang. (if hes still around), they work hard on these helmets, and thats like stealing cookie mongoloids music.
Your best bet right now deadbolt, is to chalk this up to being uninformed, (UNLESS, of course, you've been to this forum before you started this "recast" project and just plain didn't bother to read the ROC. That would be BAD), and drop this thread.

Being kinda new, the Mods may let you slide on this. But be sure to read all the rules carefully! Just because you didn't pay for a recast, you still knew it was being made and accepted it. It seems somehow harsh, true, but there are reasons for it.
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