My M_S ESB Progress


Well-Known Hunter
I finally found the time to get some build up shots of my M_S 1 ESB, here are the first pictures, all Ive done here is square up the cheeks and the area behind the ears to make them more accurate, I'll have a pic of that up tommorow, Ive been following JFJ's progress on his M_S and while my efforts arent as good I hope to get somewhere near as this is my First Boba bucket ive painted up and I want to do a good job, let me know any comments or suggestions, anyway on to the pics....


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Looking good. Amazing how a little thing like squaring off the cheeks will make such a big impact on the overall appearance. Take your time and keep up the good work!
Ok heres a shot of what ive done to the area behind the ears, I squared it up using a dremmel sanding drum, it was quite simple, I then smoothed it out with a bit of fine grit sand paper, I also added a few spots of Bondo as there are a few areas that needed filling, the RF stalk is attached using an 8mm countersunk bolt, I fitted a washer and nut on the inside to keep it secure, more pics coming, I am applying the chrome tonight, thanks for looking guys


I applied the chrome layer two nights ago and have just finished masking off the mandibles and upper cheeks ready to apply the olive green, I also used Humbrol maskol masking fluid to cover the main areas of battle damage, if all goes well and im happy with the result I'll get some pictures asap!! Fingers crossed
Here are the pics I took yesterday, here ive applied the olive green around the dome and inner cheeks and the dark green on the outer sections of the cheeks, I used Humbrol Maskol to mask the areas that I wanted to be exposed with the underlying silver, basically this stuff is great you brush it on and after about half an hour it dries to a flexible film, apply the paint, leave it overnight and then simply peel off the film, I was really pleased with the results, Im now adding the dark grey around the scratches and masking the areas on the mandibles ready for the boxcar red, Ive been using all spray cans for this with decent results, the colours are the closest that I could get to the RS colours, let me know any comments or ideas or things that I have missed, im sure theres loads

**The second picture best illustrates the colours Ive got, its taken in natural light**



Thanks Spidey, coming from you that means alot, I forgot to mention that I havent cleaned up the lines yet where I masked the cheeks off, thats why they look a bit messy
HeadlessHunter said:
Thanks Spidey, coming from you that means alot, I forgot to mention that I havent cleaned up the lines yet where I masked the cheeks off, thats why they look a bit messy

I would just hand brush that....more control...:thumbsup: ;) ....

More pics, here ive added the grey around the scratches, I'll probably go back and revise the detailing a bit more as I want it to be as authentic as possible, thanks for your comments guys, enjoy



thats is cool. I am going to use your pics to do mine ( i really am that impressed)

the only thing i am doing different is using mustard instead of masking fluid :lol:
Looks great! Very inspiring work, I can't wait to find the time and better weather to start working on mine. Spring can't come soon enough.
Well its -1 here today and ive just been outside spraying the mandible area red, my hands went a nice shade of blue as well, thanks for the comments Im glad people like it, Its always hard to be objective about something your doing yourself, I always think it looks terrible, so thanks for keeping me going on this
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