MY JP so far and NEED HELP

I have finally had the chance to do some serious work on my MLC2 JP and here it is. All in 2 days. As you can see not quite finished but dang close.

Here is my problem. I don't have an airbrush or access to one. What can I do with rattle cans to make it look dirty, and what colors should I use?

Also I was wondering how to attach the thrusters and have them still be rotational. I was thinking of drilling a hole in the center of the part that inserts into the main body of the JP and then sticking a bolt with a washer on it on the inside.



I'm definitely no expert in painting but I've got to say Kudos to you for being able to do all of that in 2 days ... WOW!:jet pack:cheers:jet pack
misting it from far away with grey, black and brown will make it look dirtier. you can also try the black acrylic wash that has been mentioned in many a helmet / armor thread on here.

my first jet pack was 100% rattlecan, and my current one has VERY little airbrushing on it.
If I were you I would just invest the like $30 into a cheap airbrush from Walmart, for what you need it for it will more then do the job. Then you will have the ability to do all sorts of cool effects that you can't achieve with spray paints. Just make sure you get a duel action one, that way you can control the amount of paint that comes out as well as the air pressure.

Also on the thrusters, just put a little bit of tape, masking, foil anything. Just like one thin layer and that will make them stay on there without falling off while still able to turn and be removed.
My pack has ZERO airbrushing on it. You can accomplish the same effects using the black wash method and rattle can misting.
I've never seen an MLC2 Jet Pack in person, so I'm not sure what exactly it looks like. Does it have some sort of door on the back for access?

I would also give it a nice acrylic wash, it makes the item naturally look dirty :)
I've never seen an MLC2 Jet Pack in person, so I'm not sure what exactly it looks like. Does it have some sort of door on the back for access?

I would also give it a nice acrylic wash, it makes the item naturally look dirty :)

Yes the MLC2 has an access pannel cut into the back. I've got mine set with velcro to hold the access plate in place.
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