my Jango Wip


Active Hunter
I have decided to start to start work on a new project.
I have almost finished my guantlets. I need to find the correct hose fittings to replace the resin copies. Once I find those I will begin the weathering of the gauntlets.
I will post my progress here as I move this project forward.
also keep on the look out for an accurate Jango boot (or at least the sole) for me!





If you want an easy, cool upgrade... Remove the cheap velcro, which really doesn't belong on high end gaunlets. Add some rare earth magnets at the closer points, but be careful in the magnets you choose. I put 4, 4.83lb pullforce magnets in each of my MOW guantlets and they close with serious force :) Removed some hair off of my arm, LOL. I wouldn't change the setup though, I like knowing the gauntlet is very secure. I just have to use care, which we should anyway when dealing with high priced items.
I can recommend this company, they are rather fast in getting the product out to you.
If you want an easy, cool upgrade... Remove the cheap velcro, which really doesn't belong on high end gaunlets. Add some rare earth magnets at the closer points, but be careful in the magnets you choose. I put 4, 4.83lb pullforce magnets in each of my MOW guantlets and they close with serious force :) Removed some hair off of my arm, LOL. I wouldn't change the setup though, I like knowing the gauntlet is very secure. I just have to use care, which we should anyway when dealing with high priced items.
I can recommend this company, they are rather fast in getting the product out to you.

I totally agree with you! Thanks for the advice! Can you send me or post up some pics on how you place yours and which magnets style did you choose?

Thanks again! I will definatly be doing this upgrade!
Yeah don't use magnets...use piano hinges...that's the accurate way.

hinges on both sides i am assuming :confused Where do you get them so you can pull the pin out? if that is how you do it?

I am going for accuracy here! It will be a long and expensive build up but worth it!
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