My Hypefirm EE-3 Finally arrived!


After a long wait (but worth it to save up) my Hyperfirm EE-3 dream is now a reality! Amazing detail, and definately NEVER going to leave my collection.


(note: 3 year old in above picture did not come with Hyperfirm - but loves it)

I was lucky enough to get it from another member of TDH who was selling his Boba stuff getting ready for another costume.

Definately a STEAL!
Lucky!! I've heard a lot of good things about these hyperfirm blasters. Would love to get my hands on one someday.

Cute kid! Looks like you're already training him to be a future fett!
At the present time, I am not going to add any more weathering. This is only because my current ROTJ Fett isn't super weathered (yet) still very clean and tidy. (This will change)

I'm sure it will all get updated soon enough.
Congrats on the purchase bro, there worth every penny, John's Hyperfirm ROTJ EE-3 is as light and accurate as they get.;)
Andy said:
Congrats on the purchase bro, there worth every penny, John's Hyperfirm ROTJ EE-3 is as light and accurate as they get.;)

And limited.... Not very many were made. :)

It's kind of a collectible!
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