My First Trooping....

Well, here it is, my 99.999% complete ROTJ:SE Fett was on display on me for the first time at a Halloween party at my church. It was a huge success. The best part was the reaction of all of the little kids. Parents were coming up to me asking me to take pictures and people were taking pics without asking. I have to say the green visor does wonders for camera flash. As of tonight I have fixed my "droopy rangefinder" problem. The ONLY thing I need are toe spikes.



Looks great bro. I love seeing a kids face light up when they see you for the first time, and it's great when the kids approach you cautiously. My daughter and I were out last night walking the hood, and there were a few folks that went to the other side of the street to walk by us. :lol:
Thank you for the compliments. Right now I'm dressing my brother in law in it so that it can compete in a $10000 costume competition at the Hard Rock Hotel. You have to be 21 to enter and I'm only 20. DAH! However, since I did all of the work I'm gettin the prize money.
Thank you for the compliments. Right now I'm dressing my brother in law in it so that it can compete in a $10000 costume competition at the Hard Rock Hotel. You have to be 21 to enter and I'm only 20. DAH! However, since I did all of the work I'm gettin the prize money.

$10k ... are you serious????
GAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I WOULD HAVE WON!!! SONOFABEEZMONKEY!!! Ok cooling off. They split the prizes up into different categories totaling $10k in cash and other stuff. There was most scary (won by a freaking awesome predator costume), most sexy (I won't go there), and most original.

The OWNER of the Hard Rock Hotel came up to my brother in law and said my costume was HIS favorite and that he won the most original category. The ONLY problem is that most original was going to be the last category judged which would have been at about 2:30 AM. It was 1:45 AM and my brother in law with a guaranteed victory and a prize of about $3,300 (my total investment into the costume) decided to bow out and go home. I sat there and waited outside the nightclub for 3 freaking hours to find out what was going on in there and he decides to pull out at the last minute. Needless to say I wanted to kill him.
On a lighter note I did win $150 bucks for it today during a costume contest at work. That was 1st place. That lets me know that I really have a piece of work here.
I remember my first trooping.

Loos great, only thing id say to do is that hunk of white on the bottom of the boots. Get some mud or something to darken it a little, then again it could be the flash from the cam.
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