MY ESB MS Version 2.....With Pics


Well-Known Hunter

I recently finished my MS ESB Version 2 helmet.
This is my 4th ESB helmet I have completed.
Now this one was "suppose to have been my last one", BUT Marrow-Sun just HAD to come out with his MS2 Helmet (thanks a lot Marrow :angry ), which I HAD to buy and I've already started.....anyway I will probably Sell :cry this one so be looking out for it in the Cargo Hold.
So before I continue with my new baby (MS2) I thought I would show-off this bad boy. Let Me know what you think.

Boba Fett10jpg.jpg

Boba Fett11jpg.jpg

Boba Fett12jpg.jpg

Boba Fett13jpg.jpg

Boba Fett14jpg.jpg
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Excellent job there Spidey .My MS2 is on the way . You guys have GOT to show me how to paint like that .When it arrives I will be hitting both of you up for some serious paint tips & techniques . I really want to do a good job , even if it will be my first shot . Cheers

awesome awesome detail ! there is only ONE thing I would suggest and its simple...blackwash and but that's it !

great job !!
Jango's kid said:
Fantastic!!!! Doesn't get any better than that!! Did you use RS colors? Well done:thumbsup:


And yeah RS Colors mostly...I mixed some custom colors as well, Like the back, and the Red. I've never really found the exact color of Red so I just mix till it matches (DRIED)...After your third one you kinda know what looks best.
Thanks again.
Got Maul said:
awesome awesome detail ! there is only ONE thing I would suggest and its simple...blackwash and but that's it !

great job !!

Blackwash? You mean too clean looking, or too saturated, or both???
I think a little of both. :)
Let me be the first to say....I'd be happy to take it off you hands...hehe :love !

"Now this one was "suppose to have been my last one", BUT Marrow-Sun just HAD to come out with his MS2 Helmet (thanks a lot Marrow :angry ), which I HAD to buy and I've already started.....anyway I will probably Sell :cry this one so be looking out for it in the Cargo Hold."
Fantastic really do have an eye for painting the ESB scheme...wish I could paint as flawlessly as you!
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Thanks everyone for all the great compliments...means a lot.
I should have my MS2 done in about three weeks or so. I'll post pictures of that as well, ESB style of course. And that will be my last one....I hope.

bobagoat said:
Nice job!

Are the ears cast on the helmet on that one or are they separate pieces?
And Bobagoat, the ear pieces are resin and did come separate. That was actually the last thing I had to do was put those babies on. Painted them off, much easier to handle that way.

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:D thats one sweet paint job! little clean indeed... but hey, maybe thats just because myn is overkill dirty :p
Fettism said:
Excellent job there Spidey .My MS2 is on the way . You guys have GOT to show me how to paint like that .When it arrives I will be hitting both of you up for some serious paint tips & techniques . I really want to do a good job , even if it will be my first shot . Cheers


Okay, this time I'm really done with this ONE!!!
Thought I would listen to my fellow memebers and add some more weathering...Oh and I added the red paint on the Left Ear piece.....:facepalm
Now what do you think??




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That thing looks like crap! I'll give you $10 bucks for it.

J/K - It looks awesome! I wish I could paint like that.
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