Well-Known Hunter
Well, AGES ago I started a thread following the progress of my very first bucket, its an M_S 1 original and to start with I had it sent to a friend of mine to be painted as my painting skills are non existent, anyway months went by and more months and before I knew it 10 months had past and I had heard NOTHING from this guy, no progress pics no emails nothing, so long story short I got the helmet back and thought screw it I'll do it myself, so here it is thus far, im still working on a colour for the back, these colours are all mixed by myself and applied using the layered method, if anyone is interested I'll put up a list of the colours I used, I know its not a patch on most of the buckets round here but its my FIRST ever paint job so be gentle, I welcome any constructive comments as always, this bucket will also be up for sale in the coming months, thanks for reading guys and girls