My embarassing ESB helmet.


Active Hunter
After seeing the stunning work that Lee, FP, and WPK have put into their displays it's seriously embarrassing to even show this. But it's been weighing heavy on my mind and I have to confess my sins, if you will.



The helmet's an MSH-2 so bsically this is like pissing on the Mona Lisa.

And here it is next to another crime on the prop world, my MSH-1 Jango.

Man, you need to get out of the meth lab you've been living in. The air must be distorting your vision.

That's a great lookin' paint job. What color did you use on the back of the helmet?
Yea, its either the meth lab or the paint fumes cause I don't know what he's talking about either. I only pray that my bucket comes out half as good as that one!
Um... BB, that helmet looks fantastic. Just enough weathering without going overboard - seriously - it looks excellent. Very screen-similar.
Oh, the horror! Seriously, that's like, not one of the coolest helmets I've ever seen. ;)

Well, can't wait to see the rest of your "crappy" costume. :D
Please explain the embarassment it looks damn good to me. good work!
Work a tad bit of wash on the mands draws the red out and darkens a little since it's acrylic.


Rogue Studios wrote:

Please explain the embarassment it looks damn good to me. good work!
Work a tad bit of wash on the mands draws the red out and darkens a little since it's acrylic.


Can't agree more on both points Lee... Looks outstanding man! Just do what Lee said to the mandible area and I think it may punch the thought of it looking embarassing right out of your head! ;)
Umm ya right,
Not trying to be condisending just wanting to make sure. Is this a joke or are you just wanting us all to "reasure" you about how nice the thing is?

PS Yes, the thing is very nice and if you don't wnat it I will take it.
It hurts me to see ppl down on themselves man .. seriously.

There is no ryme or rythme to this particualr madness of yours ... you did an AMAZING JOB on that bucket my friend ..
and in my own humble opinion, it sets right up there with the best of them ...

I know that looking at it day in day out when you're painting it, can screw your head up a bit ... so maybe this is the
slap in the face you need to snap you ut of that funk .. you have much more talent than you allow yourself to see.

If this is any indication of what the rest of your suit is gonna look like, we're all in trouble ;)

Great Job !

Thanks folks, I don't know, maybe it's because I painted the thing myself I can see every little flaw it eats away at me.
It's always been like that with everything I do, it's like a perfectionist that settles for "good enough."
I agree w/ everyone. You did an awesome job! I hope my bucket turns out just as nice :)

I remember finishing my armor and thinking - boy did I do a crappy job. But now months later I look at it and think it looks awesome.

Keep it up!


Baddblood wrote:

I don't know, maybe it's because I painted the thing myself I can see every little flaw it eats away at me.
It's always been like that with everything I do, it's like a perfectionist that settles for "good enough."

I have the same problem man. Seriously, you did a terrific job there!!!:thumbsup: Its an amazing bucket:)

Baddblood wrote:

Thanks folks, I don't know, maybe it's because I painted the thing myself I can see every little flaw it eats away at me.
It's always been like that with everything I do, it's like a perfectionist that settles for "good enough."

First off, the helmet looks great, man! Second, I think you've been sniffin' the paint too much if you think otherwise. Third, I hear you on the perfectionist thing. I know a lot of us here are perfectionists, but you know what? Even if one of us had a screen used Fett costume, I could see some of us trying to upgrade it or improve it. :lol:

Seriously though, great job on the helmet! You should be proud! :)
Beautiful job, I think most of us are supercritical of our own work. Most "general public" would "drool and die" over just about anyhing that has been created and shown on the TDH. Being a "newcomer"I for one am in awe and impressed with the work everyone is doing. Yes, some have more time than others and some have better skills than others, some have more time, some less, but that shouldn't discourage anyone. Do the best you can and be proud of it. :) With all the help through the TDH any try is better than not trying at all. :)

Great work again!
Man, thats frickin awesome!!!! i love the paint job. seriously, what colors did you use.....i need fix my helmet now after seeing yours. :lol: Looks great!!!!! can't wait to see more of your costume.
I know what it's like to be uber critical of your own work, etc, but it looks just great to me. I'm not an ESB officionado, so wouldn't know about the minor inaccuracies, but the overall impression is fantastic.

Hopefully you've taken some comfort from 3 big ESB bucket experts having high opinions of it.

Great work!

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