My Custom Mando


here it is! finally! :D


I have some minor alterations to do before Dragon Con.
Trooped the MC Chris concert on Saturday.. had a blast!
Andle Diranos said:
Fem mandos are the only people you can say in a literal meaning drop dead gorgeous. Nice costume, especially the front flap.

aw thank you!

yea, I had fun painting that... freehand!
Just amazing. I like the color scheme and the front loincloth too.
And uh....the above the front loincloth too.

Serious, looks fantastic. What're you using for weapons?
electric_jay said:
Just amazing. I like the color scheme and the front loincloth too.
And uh....the above the front loincloth too.

Serious, looks fantastic. What're you using for weapons?

I'm finishing up this huge blaster-cannon type of thing. It has a shoulder strap and a pretty purple scope! ;)

I'm actually painting the basecoat tonight.. I'll post an update pic later.
BH1378 said:
I'm finishing up this huge blaster-cannon type of thing. It has a shoulder strap and a pretty purple scope! ;)

I'm actually painting the basecoat tonight.. I'll post an update pic later.

Schweet. Can't wait to see it.
:eek: ...I mean :love ...I mean...uhhh...:lol:

Awesome Mando! Your tummy isn't protected very well though...but I doubt any male enemies will be shooting at you. :lol:

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Looks awesome! I'm not really a fan of pink, for amor, but hell girl you really pull it off! I look forward to seeing more to your arsenal.
nope, its fresh out of the package, and painted.. I added some black to the handle.. but that's it, well so far.
I have this tendency to keep fixing and altering my projects.
Aw man.. I tossed the card when I got it.
Picked it up at Brooks pharmacy.
I was going to go there tomorrow.. I'll get the info and a pic for ya!
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