Look what arrived on my doorstep this afternoon after a marathon 4 day trip across the Atlantic:
What could it be? Here's a hint:
Yep it is:
My very own TF Cold Cast Aluminum Bucket courtesy of Terminal Fettler himself, and my girlfriend who paid ffor it as my Christmas gift... And not only is it an awesome TF helmet...
It is the first bucket he cast from his awesome mold! I feel very lucky to have this, in fact I'm a little nervous about painting it.
My first impressions-
1. Wow is this thing huge. I've never personally seen a Fett Bucket and I guess I was just not fully understanding, but its a nice sized helmet. I'll be able to padd this thing up nicely.
2. The Magnetic attachment for the right earcap is great- Its firm and its not going anywhere; if I should ever have to remove or fix the RF Stalk I'll be able to do so easily. BTW the RF assembly , Stalk, and two borden connectors (one bronze one silver) came along with it... I just still had them wrapped up.
3. Its solid. I dunno about the other helmets out there, but this one is thick. It feels nice and solid. I just weighed it and it comes in at a hefty 1.8 lbs. It feels like a helmet.
Well, now that I'm all giddy about it, I get to put it right back in the box.. Because it's my Christmas present and I don't get it until then. =) But thats ok. With any luck I should be getting another helmet within the next two weeks.. a modified 96' DP bucket with which to compare and contrast as well as test paint.
I'll keep you all updated... I'm on my way!
What could it be? Here's a hint:
Yep it is:
My very own TF Cold Cast Aluminum Bucket courtesy of Terminal Fettler himself, and my girlfriend who paid ffor it as my Christmas gift... And not only is it an awesome TF helmet...
It is the first bucket he cast from his awesome mold! I feel very lucky to have this, in fact I'm a little nervous about painting it.
My first impressions-
1. Wow is this thing huge. I've never personally seen a Fett Bucket and I guess I was just not fully understanding, but its a nice sized helmet. I'll be able to padd this thing up nicely.
2. The Magnetic attachment for the right earcap is great- Its firm and its not going anywhere; if I should ever have to remove or fix the RF Stalk I'll be able to do so easily. BTW the RF assembly , Stalk, and two borden connectors (one bronze one silver) came along with it... I just still had them wrapped up.
3. Its solid. I dunno about the other helmets out there, but this one is thick. It feels nice and solid. I just weighed it and it comes in at a hefty 1.8 lbs. It feels like a helmet.
Well, now that I'm all giddy about it, I get to put it right back in the box.. Because it's my Christmas present and I don't get it until then. =) But thats ok. With any luck I should be getting another helmet within the next two weeks.. a modified 96' DP bucket with which to compare and contrast as well as test paint.
I'll keep you all updated... I'm on my way!