My boots...(?)


Active Hunter
Hey, found these in my attic today, thinking of using them

watcha think?

They appear to have a great shape to them but being leather instead of canvas you'll always have that going against you. You could paint the details on (but it'd still be leather) OR you could glue the strips of fabric over it.
I suggest plain simple grey... the one that's available near you. then wash and some spray some correct colours of weathering, that should help in getting the right colours. The CA boots aren't the right colours either, but they have a nice base, plain black and grey, and with some washes and sprays... there ya have it.
Thanks for the advice guys,i'm gonna go with webcheifs idea and glue (hotglue?) fabric strips on to it :) Is there a tutorial? I'll do a search.



There used to be a pattern for the exact dimensions for the cloth strips to cut. Unfortunately that was a million years ago and I'm not sure where it is.
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