My Bobamaker esb painting progree


Active Hunter
HI all,
I know there are so many great step by step painting threads already on here but i wanted to add to that anyway.

This is my second helmet, the first one i painted before i found this wonderfull forum.

Anyway on with the pics, i have been having trouble getting these the right size to post so please bear with me.

here go's

First of all, i wanted to paint this helmet topicaly but i thought i would give it a silver base coat anyway

Being in the uk, i couldnt go with rogue studio's colour chart so i had to mix most of my paints from tamiya and games workshop

silver boba.jpg

risized base.jpg
with the base colours down, i decided to work on the helmet in sections.

The first sections i worked on were the cheeks,

what do you all think so far?

Your input and opinions are very important to me.

I got a bit carried away on the left side and started painting the manibles aswell before i took another pic.

Can anyone tell me how to make the images larges in size but small in file size?

Ill be posting more progress pic soon

right cheek.jpg

left cheek.jpg
Fettster said:
does anyone know how to make the pictures bigger without going over the 70kb file limit?

I got an account at like and link all my pictures. It is free and they even provide the link you can just cut and paste. BTW, lookin good!
Fettster said:
does anyone know how to make the pictures bigger without going over the 70kb file limit?

What kind of photo editing software are you using?

Most software packages (even the one that cam with your camera) have photo editing cabibility. What I do is "crop" out any extra space around your subject. By croping out the extra you reduce the file size. Then I "resize" the image to be no bigger than 600 x 600 pixles. Sometimes one side is smaller than the other, but as long as neither dimension is over 600 you will be OK. Check your file size on "my computer" and you should be good to go. I sometimes loose some resolution, using this method, but its quick and easy.

looks good so far. Some programs when making jpgs have a compression ratio. So a high quality pic will have a higher file size. Usually med will have a decently small file size and good pic quality.
Hi all, i think i got this picture thing figured out :facepalm

Anyway, i have finished painting my helmet now and am really pleased with the way it came out.

Here is a collection of progress pics, each different colour was painted on in layers with the next colour painted over the top, i found this way easier that painting the silver scratches and then trying to paint the grey and the purple scratches around it.

Picture 138.jpg

Picture 137.jpg

fett lid.jpg

fett lid1.jpg

fett lid3.jpg




Ok, so i havent got the photo thing completly right, the quality of the pics could be better.

Here is the final piece, once it had all the scratches on, i washed it in black and then dabbed off the paint with a clean cloth, it really helped to tone down the silver and hide the brush strokes.

Now i want you honest opinion on this, i can take critism, ( its the only way we get better) what are your thoughts on this??

Picture 145.jpg

Picture 146.jpg

Picture 147.jpg

Picture 148.jpg
Looks really nice in my opinion, and I like the colors, but I suggest to take the pic further away from the helmet, and using some kind of zoom to take the pic. The effect of taking the pic too close to the helmet, will change the point of view of the helmet, say, looking at it, will change the proportions and will look just waaaay different. (the bottom front, too big and large, for example)

There is NO good pics of the BM helmet, YET....and this one could make that change. Good job on the 2 cents.

:D wow, nice bucket man!

I love the paint job!

as for photos... I tried my best at making good photos of it :p

only inaccuracy I spotted on the bucket are the corners of the red visor, at the ear-caps, they are curved, while they should be rectangular...

BM inacc.jpg
Thanks, ill try taking a photo further away.

DarthVader1 said:
Looks really nice in my opinion, and I like the colors, but I suggest to take the pic further away from the helmet, and using some kind of zoom to take the pic. The effect of taking the pic too close to the helmet, will change the point of view of the helmet, say, looking at it, will change the proportions and will look just waaaay different. (the bottom front, too big and large, for example)

There is NO good pics of the BM helmet, YET....and this one could make that change. Good job on the 2 cents.

R_boba_fett said:
:D wow, nice bucket man!

I love the paint job!

as for photos... I tried my best at making good photos of it :p

only inaccuracy I spotted on the bucket are the corners of the red visor, at the ear-caps, they are curved, while they should be rectangular...

Excellent Observation! That is one of the reasons I went with BKBT's Jango and decided to convert it to Boba.

Fettster- Outstanding paintjob!!:eek:

visor corner.JPG
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I never noticed the corners in the cheeks before and i was gonna pipe up but i checked my reference cd and your absolutly right, ah well, bobamaker makes a wonderfull helmet otherwise.
Fettster - what can i say???

the pics look spot on, and i really hope my bucket looks half as good as yours. although my ears are a good start :lol:
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