MQ-1 Helmet Circuit Board Photos Needed:

Dha Syntir

Active Hunter
I just purchased a MQ-1 cast to cover my key slots on my helmet. But I'm having trouble finding some super detailed photos concerning the colors of each circuit, transistor, etc. Mines a recast and I'm having trouble finding out what needs sanded down and prepared and what is part of the circuit board...So any and all photos and tutorials you may know about, it'd be greatly appreciated at a very busy time for me lately-multi-tasking just doesn't describe it... :facepalm Thanks alot

WOF, is there anything you haven't drawn yet? Like do you have the plans for the elastic behind the knees and between the cod and buttplate? :lol:
You're amazing dude.

Dha Syntir,
If you notice in those pics that were posted, the circuit board is just painted one solid color, to match the style of the helmet. So on your resin cast, you shouldn't need to worry about painting each individual component.
Thanks WOF, as always you astound me with your technical renderings of one part or another. Are you an engineer of some sort, or just technologically savvy?

I'm glad that I don't have to try and recreate the MQ-1 circuit board color scheme with a brush, that would certainly suck. I was just about ready to see how much someone here would charge to paint it for me as I just don't have the dexterity in my hand to do it justice. Now that I just have to go with one color, i'm pretty sure I can swing it. So thanks for the help there, that makes life much easier...

I was also curious if anyone has drilled holes in their circuit board and then affixed a mini cpu fan to it as an exhaust fan, to suck out the hot air inside the helmet, and expel it out the rear? Or you could also turn the fan around and pull in cool outside air-either or I reckon...I thought that I already have the parts for two fans to be wired into my helmet, so what the heck. I was just curious if anyone else has done this and if it's an effective way of cooling down the inside of your bucket so you don't feel like your head is in an Amazonian jungle all day/night long...Thanks again for your help guys!

A lot of people use those mini CPU fans in their helmets. I have 2 of them myself.
Mine are mounted on the left and right of my face though. I know that on my helmet, there wouldn't be enough room to put one right behind my head.
Yeah I doubt I'd be able to put one behind my head anyway as I have really long hair that'd almost certainly get hung up in the fan at some point. That'd be entertaining at some convention and my hair gets sucked into the fan. Folks would see me freaking out, trying to get my bucket off-so I'll deal with the heat with two fans up front as mentioned by superjedi.

Ever painted someone's armor for them superjedi? You're really good at it and if you don't charge a fortune, it'd be great to have a set of armor painted by you...I'm not doing to bad with the painting now, but it's nowhere near your talent. PM me if you're interested.

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