Mounting the chest display


Active Hunter
I have a TK409 Chest display. I was wondering how you guys mounted it onto the chestplate. (My chest armor is held in place by snaps.)
Yeah I have the same question. Have the same from TK409, but haven't attached it yet. I am using magnets and am not sure if I should use superglue to attach the electronics or not.
Yeah I have the same question. Have the same from TK409, but haven't attached it yet. I am using magnets and am not sure if I should use superglue to attach the electronics or not.

Be careful with the magents there ... if they are strong enough, they can destroy the chip over time.

I used lot's of hot glue. It has worked very well thus far.

Agreed ... I use the same thing.
Be careful with the magents there ... if they are strong enough, they can destroy the chip over time.

I have been thinking about switching to snaps since I am kind of afraid that someone could just pull a piece of my armor off. The magnets aren't extremely stong, but they are strong enough to hold the armor to the vest.
I have been thinking about switching to snaps since I am kind of afraid that someone could just pull a piece of my armor off. The magnets aren't extremely stong, but they are strong enough to hold the armor to the vest.

My armor is held on by snaps. If you have experiance with snaps or can get some help from someone, its not hard to do. And the armor is not gonna go anywhere.
This year I'm using snaps and it works great. as far as mounting the LEDs, I figured since no one is gonna see it, I just made a little holster out of a couple of regular ol' playing cards.
I use snaps on my armour. It's the best thing since sliced bread!

I followed TK409's idea of mounting them on plastic and not directly to the armour. The female part is also stitched to the vest so if I decide to use a different method or upgrade at any point it is easily removeable.

As for my chest display...ELECTRICAL TAPE!! And lots of it! It's strong and durable, but it doesn't damage the board, nor is it permanent, which again means if I upgrade my armour - which I plan to do - I can easily remove the board and reinstall it on a new set.

I put 2 strips of velcro (fuzzy) on either side of the slots on the armor, then I cut out an "H" of (hook) velcro. The vertical sides of the "H" attach to the armor velcro and the horizontal bar holds the LED in place. Works great and can be removed at any time. I can post pics if you need me to.
I put 2 strips of velcro (fuzzy) on either side of the slots on the armor, then I cut out an "H" of (hook) velcro. The vertical sides of the "H" attach to the armor velcro and the horizontal bar holds the LED in place. Works great and can be removed at any time. I can post pics if you need me to.

I would like a pic if you have some.
Well, my friend down in Tucson will now have to give me clearance to use this substance: hot glue!:lol:lol::lol: But yes, I would use hot glue to secure the chest display to the armor.
I'm wondering the best way to attach it too. I got my Tk409 electronics in the mail today and there isn't much of it that sits flush with the armour, except for the lights themselves. Do you just use enough hot glue to fill that 1/4 inch (or so) gap between the electronic board and the armour? Do you glue something like wood or plastic to the board and then glue that to armour?
I'd definitely be interested in seeing some pics of how people did theirs.
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