Montross (Bounty Hunter)

I just had to snap this shot of one my helmets, being guarded by my kitten Vosa... And yes, she is named after exactly who you think she’s named after.


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SOOO! I’m back! I made some adjustments and changed my mind on certain pieces. Here’s what’s lined up. We are at the TAIL END of this project!

AND today I finally got a huge staple, the chest plates.


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TheBobaFett hyped me up today sending me a picture from the Prima guide for SWBH... So do I got it or...?


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Ladies and gents, I am back, LOTS of progress has been and I just wanted to give a huge shoutout. Everybody give a round of applause for the killer paint and detail job the incredible Mythos Fenn has done on my plates!!! (I didn’t trust my own hands lol) The detail he added makes it look like actual corroded metal.

Helmet and jetpack are next. Stay tuned, kids!


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And now after a long grueling progress consisting of me and my OCD directions and constantly asking TheBobaFett for opinions, the genius Mythos Fenn has finished the helmet this morning!!! He also included a green screen on the rangefinder which was a genius touch!

Fenn, I can’t thank you enough. I definitely wouldn’t have been able to do this on my own. People have asked us if this was real metal!


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Ladies and gentlemen, light the cigars and crack the champagne! The hard pieces are finally done!!! Great work Mythos Fenn and thanks for putting up with my annoying attention to details lmao We finally made history!!!


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Hello again boils and ghouls! Today I thought I'd update you on some of the process on the soft parts. I decided for the undercloth, since Jon Knoles took inspiration for Montross from Barnes of the movie Platoon... I'm going to use a replica of a Vietnam War uniform (the pants will be cut into chaps though). This is just a preliminary shot, I know I have to roll the sleeves up higher.

And then the other day I just so happened to stumble upon these womens gloves that JUST SO HAPPENED to be DEAD ON!!! All I have to do is cut the fingers off and have my friend ruch the top and add the flaps and laces on top.


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