Blaster Molex Placement on ESB Scope Mount


New Hunter
Can anyone tell me where the placement is for the Molex connectors on the scope mounts on a ESB EE-3?

Are they flush with the top? Or do they sit lower? Thanks ahead of time!
Best shot I could find for quick reference is attached. It appears the front and rear Molex pairs are pretty close to horizontal alignment with each other (parallel to centerline of the barrel). The difference in size of the front and rear "pipe clamp" parts means the front Molexes are at/near the top of the smaller clamp, while the rear pair is noticeably lower relative to the top of that clamp.

Best shot I could find for quick reference is attached. It appears the front and rear Molex pairs are pretty close to horizontal alignment with each other (parallel to centerline of the barrel). The difference in size of the front and rear "pipe clamp" parts means the front Molexes are at/near the top of the smaller clamp, while the rear pair is noticeably lower relative to the top of that clamp.

View attachment 234008

Awesome! Thanks for the pic. it helps a great deal!
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