Active Hunter
I have now finished modifying my jet pack to match the AOSW version. A big thanks to Brak's for the pics he posted a short while ago, these really helped with the detailing. Here's what I've done:
PIC 1: I have deepened the recess on the underside then fitted, painted and weathered the three buttons/plugs.
PIC 2: The plug and small switch are added to the underside.
PIC 3: Aluminium hooks are made and screwed to the body and a smaller door is built that has four locking screws.
PIC 4: The small mole is sculpted and added.
PIC 5: The rocket is altered to match the screen used one.
I still need to make two more aluminium hooks that will be attached to the bottom of the pack, these hold the scuba belt in position, these can be seen on the screen used shots from Brak's.
PIC 1: I have deepened the recess on the underside then fitted, painted and weathered the three buttons/plugs.
PIC 2: The plug and small switch are added to the underside.
PIC 3: Aluminium hooks are made and screwed to the body and a smaller door is built that has four locking screws.
PIC 4: The small mole is sculpted and added.
PIC 5: The rocket is altered to match the screen used one.
I still need to make two more aluminium hooks that will be attached to the bottom of the pack, these hold the scuba belt in position, these can be seen on the screen used shots from Brak's.