Model Masters Panzer Olive Green...TOO DARK!


I painted my dome and cheeks last night using Model Masters Panzer Olive Green (enamel). I was lucky enough to even find that in Canada. I know I wanted the Floquil..but I thought it would be the same color.

I sprayed it on and it came out WAY a forest green...

Later I was unsatisfied so I took what was left of the green and mixed in a bunch of yellow to lighten it up. Seemed better, but when I applied it, it seemed too much like an army khaki kinda color...

Here is a pic of JUST the Panzer Olive Green. I did not dilute it (didn't know what I could thin it with..mineral spirits maybe? Even if I thinned seems to me I would have to apply more to cover the end result would be the same??


Thanks for any help!!!
Hard to tell from that pic, but it doesn't look all that bad. The spray enamel isn't recommended, however in your availability situation I would have chose the same. I'd try weathering it down with some gray washes to your liking.

Steve :thumbsup:
I went into all these same sort of doubts when I painted my DP 96 with the POG enamel. From other more dishinguised member than myself, I gathered that the enamel is indeed a tiny bit darker. But trust me, the proof that POG (or possibly that SAC Bomber Green i think?) is the correct color. Just take this thing into ourdoors sunlight and it will look fine; Keeping in mind the large lights used on set.
My helmet came out great with Rouge Studios color list!
See the color difference? Its all in the lighting

TDH 5.jpg



It just looks like a paler greyish green to me in the ref pics....

I know this all depends on the lighting...but I figured my Model Masters Panzer Olive GRren must be darker than the Floquil one...

I could be wrong...


Wow...that IS a huge difference in daylight vs non. WOW! Well..since I lightened up my green and made some weird Khaki out of it I gotta repaint anyways. I'll just try to find an olive green at acrylic.

How would I do a gray wash? Just a light thinned out mist of light grey with an airbrush?

THANKS for the help!!
I found out by accedent that Panzer Olive Grun 1942 is a shade lighter then the Panzer Olive Green is, I love it, I think it works great!! I use Panzer Olive Green to put some wear and discoloration to it for weathering purposes. Works like a charm!
hankey01 said:
It just looks like a paler greyish green to me in the ref pics....

I know this all depends on the lighting...but I figured my Modee Masters Panzer Olive GRren must be darker than the Floquil one...

I could be wrong...


Wow...that IS a huge difference in daylight vs non. WOW! Well..since I lightened up my green and made some weird Khaki out of it I gotta repaint anyways. I'll just try to find an olive green at acrylic.

How would I do a gray wash? Just a light thinned out mist of light grey with an airbrush?

THANKS for the help!!

Well Model Masters is what I used. I lightened it with a very small amount of that Michaels paint. Just use VERT (Green) in the enamels and mix it. I wanted my color to be a bit lighter too. Also about the grayish color. I think thats another trick of the light. Sometimes the colors look aqua-blue, and also gray; like the one of Joe Johnston painting the helmet.

Just stop on by Toy City and get some model paint to play with until the color looks right to you. Also get all the right paints on before you judge. The wash stuff should wait.:)
I'm happy with what I came up with....I'll just post the pics here (they are in the depot fett thread also).

Saxter....did you find those droids you were looking for??? ;)


Hankey, did you use chrome for a base color? In the rogue studios post, it said to use the chrome, and that it will lighten up the green.
I did use chrome underneath..then 3 layers of different greens. I am happy with how it looks now..after some black wash and in my dark basement it will be perfect!

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