mlc or bm jp?

I've never really seen any of MLC's work but I can say tha Bobamakers stuff is of the highest quality, but both places will likely take weeks to make due to their zillion orders a week they need to fill, so be patient...

The MLC pack is a bit cheaper cost wise but quality is comparable. As far as I know (i could be wrong) but I think both kits are more or less ready to be painted out of the box. I know for a fact Bobamakers kit is but the mlc one might need a small amount of touching up.
...i got a ruffkin toy :jet pack 2 years ago. well its not fiberglassed but very lightly. and im very satisfied with it.
i saw BM making of, its an awesome work :thumbsup: . i think the weight may be not as lightly as ruffkins :jet pack be.
can't go wrong with an MLC, but if you want to save just a little more money, Ruffkin has a great jet pack as well

Yeah, I have a Ruffkin jet pack and it's very light(vacuum formed with fiberglass and resin parts) and for the price you can't go wrong.:thumbsup: I have MLC armor and I love it, so I could only imagine how nice the jet pack is.:D I think really it's a matter of how much you want to spend and where you live. BM's stuff is also without a doubt some of the best out there!:thumbsup:
Ya gotta tough question right there! All propmakers' :jet packs discuessed here are top quality. I've currently got an MLC1, and I have a new BM :jet pack for my scheduled to arrive shortly. I will say the MLC1 is VERY lightweight just from having trooped it it.
Thats why i love the "tdh" greatest forum!!! quick, honest and positive responses..just like to say all of you have done quality bh's and i can only hope my jango turns out half as good as some i've seen here...:cheers

andy...........soon to be

thanx again to bkbt...awsome job!!!
I just received a MLC v.2 and it's a great pack with good detail, and light weight. You really can't go wrong with any of the makers discussed in this thread. All of their products are top notch!

Ive got my major BM order coming up :D soo looking forward to it.

Id go BM, but its personal preference... he has been nothing but helpful with me :)
The MLC is a nice JP... but there is no doubt that the BM is more accurate. Sharper edges, really awesome. I owe one, and all I can say is that is the best JP I've ever seen... more expensive, yes, but from my point of view, simply better.
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