MLC jet pack and BKBT harness??


Well-Known Hunter
MLC jetpack and BKBT harness??

On my MLC jet pack where do I make the straps come out of the back for my BKBT harness? Do I cut holes for them, just put them out at the top of the "door"? Pics would help a ton. Thanks.
Where on the jet pack do you cut them? Should I do it in the little door on the back then glue the door shut?
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No, get the 1" sticky back velcro for the door. Trim it to fit. cut the slots at least an inch or so above the door. If you cut them too close to the door opening, you weaken the support the pack gives to the straps.

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Adjust the straps on the inside of the pack. I used pop rivets and washers to secure Brandy's. If you don't like it, cut the straps out of the inside and re-do it. Nylon webbing is cheap.

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anyone know if BKBT is still making the harness? The system I have been using is really starting to tick me off!
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Actually pictures would be a huge help!
I liked SEEKERS harness but I am really interested to see the BKBT one.
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Cut 2 horizontal "coin bank" slots about 1/2"-1" above the opening panel door. Insert BKBT's straps going into the slots & down inside the JP & looping it on the installed metal "u" bars. This method also makes your strap adjustable if you wanted to.

Even w/o a BKBT harness, you could even use a "camel back" hydration pack (backpack) & stuff it in the JP's interior, take out the straps & close the JP panel door using velcro. Not as nice as using BKBT's harness, but something to explore if you wanted to.

Mardon (MLC)
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Slowmo said:
anyone know if BKBT is still making the harness? The system I have been using is really starting to tick me off!

i talked to him a while ago, once hes done with the helmet then he will start up on the harness again, maybe.
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I've gone through several design changes for harness systems; a soft back, a hard back, & a vest style. Each has it's own merits but each has it's shortcomings as well. I wanted to completely redsign my harness system before offering it to the board. Here are a couple that I have used.

my harness back TDH.jpg

my harness front TDH.jpg

new harness 1 TDH.jpg

new harness 2 TDH.jpg
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Awesome designs Vince! :cheers

I still have one of your earlier prototypes and I like it :) Your new designs makes me wanna upgrade thou :eek:

Vince, how about sending pics of how you integrated your harness to the Jango Arena JP you got from me? I believe that both classic & arena JPs have similar backs.
I'm sure this would be helpfull to those who are setting up their JPs :)

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Ok...I need to know if BKBT is going to have any of these ready before C3!
If so, I wish to be first on the sign up list!
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that first one looks pretty nice. Let me know when you start offering them again as I really need something better than the belt and alice pack straps I'm using now. I'm liking the vest version a lot.
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Mardon, I'll have to snap a couple of pics tomorrow. It is the same setup you use but I'll take some detail shots.
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