Misty Memories (Misting methods?)


Well-Known Hunter
I've read that some people just spray the black near their armor and let the wind carry it over to land there.

I used to paint a lot of gaming miniatures back in the day and I would dip a toothbrush (hard bristle) in a blood color and run the tip of my thumb through the bristles to make the bristles fling the paint in a spatter.

Instant blood spatter!!

This should work the same with the black mist on the armor as long as I use very little paint so that it gets more of a misted effect, don't you think?

If anyone wants to chime in on the misting methods I would be glad to hear them. I want to try out several methods before commiting to something. Thanks!!!
I point the spray can right at my work, but keep it 3 or 4 feet away. I've tried spraying it over, and just letting the paint fall onto the armor, but that never worked for me.

I would think that if you used the toothbrush method for the black misting, you would get splotches of black instead of a "dust".
I read somewhere on this site that you can get the dirty look by mixing black acrylic and the blue windshield wiper fluid (for cars). All you do is spray on with a spray bottle. Just make sure not to get the the windshield fluid on you (I remember the person saying specifically since it's poisonous.) I'm not sure if it works, but thats what I read. Once i'm ready to paint; this will be the technique I use.
On the ROTJ armor at least theres evidence they just oversprayed the mist because there some huge blobs on the chest armor. I airbrushed all my scoring and misting so I could control the airflow from thick spots to a very fine mist.
One thing I've found when using "rattlecans" for misting: it tends to rub off pretty easily unless you seal it with a clear coat.
I misted some flat black onto my cod armor, and wound up having to redo it after I handled it without clear coat.
I found that hold the black spray paint farther gives it a more even, dirty, misted look. I used this more for my bucket and gauntlets. Holding the can closer gives it a more spattered, blotchy look. I used this more for my chest armor.
I'm surprised nobody else mentioned the "toothbrush method".

I used it and was ecstatic with the results. The original armor clearly has spatter the size of what comes out of spray cans, which can be hard to duplicate with airbrushes since the spray is so much finer.

For the toothbrush method get a brush with a lot of bristles, I used an OralB "60". Dilute your acrylic or enamel paint then dip your toothbrush into the paint (have a rubber glove on) and then run you finger down the brush to replicate a spray can pattern.

Best part is you can do this in certain areas, with certain amounts of paint to realy make it look good. It does take some practice, but I think it offers the most accurate way of doing it.

That tothbrush thing might work well for adding a few light splaters of brown on my jumpsuit, boots, and spats... never thought about doing that. I use a very wattered down mix of black acrylic, with a touch of red to ad a ritch tone in an airbrush. If you want a light weathered look to the fabric then stand far away and it goes on even and slow... if you want heavy dark areas get closer to what your painting... I asume this works for armor as well, allthough I perfer using colored pencils, sponges, and pastel calks. :)
I've used all three methods and they all work well. Practice on something other than your Boba armor to get the hang of it. Also *IMPORTANT* while trying to achieve a "mist", use a BRAND-NEW can of paint if using a spray can, it has the full propellant in it so the paint comes out much more uniform.
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