Got Maul
Well-Known Hunter
Hey kids ! I am sitting here in Orlando Airport being bored off my booty. Anyhow, just wanted throw up a quick review of Megacon 2005. This year was interesting as this was my first con down in "sunny" florida. Supposedly the con was in a bigger room last year, so it made for an interesting cramped quarters with the con attendees moving from booth to booth. The con itself was alright, very heaving into Anime. There were a lot of Anime costumes which will most likely be posted soon, but nothing that really stood out. Our group did Starship Troopers today (Sunday) which was a smashing success.
Though as I attend more and more of these things, I am really coming to recognize the fact that it is not so much the con that makes the con, but the people you go with. This year was interesting mix as a great deal of evening time was spent with Sradler, Roguestudios, SSTcop, Mirax, Seeker, SithCamaro, Optinerd (and husband), BraksBuddy, SWFreak (and his beautiful wife), chris, mike, angie, ed, and tons of Georgia 501st.. Individually these people are incredible people, together...well, let's just say the laughter never ends. I also wanted to post this to thank you guys for making this one hell of a memorable experience. Judging from the Dangerous pictures taken in some cases, even the experiences that are not so desirable, are going to be remembered, like it or not !
BTW- did you know Mirax could do ONE handed push-ups ? She's one solid lady, tough as a nails, but sweeeet as HONEY. :love
Though as I attend more and more of these things, I am really coming to recognize the fact that it is not so much the con that makes the con, but the people you go with. This year was interesting mix as a great deal of evening time was spent with Sradler, Roguestudios, SSTcop, Mirax, Seeker, SithCamaro, Optinerd (and husband), BraksBuddy, SWFreak (and his beautiful wife), chris, mike, angie, ed, and tons of Georgia 501st.. Individually these people are incredible people, together...well, let's just say the laughter never ends. I also wanted to post this to thank you guys for making this one hell of a memorable experience. Judging from the Dangerous pictures taken in some cases, even the experiences that are not so desirable, are going to be remembered, like it or not !
BTW- did you know Mirax could do ONE handed push-ups ? She's one solid lady, tough as a nails, but sweeeet as HONEY. :love