Megacon Report '05

Thanks for the replies. I knew it was planned to dress alike (obviously) but I assumed they'd made the costumes themselves. That's why I was so amazed... not only great costumes, but they matched down to the last detail... as if they were made at the same time by the same person. Now I see that they were, which explains a lot. Still amazing though! :) Where did you happen to find so many screen-used costumes?

The con isn't that bad, its really the only large con we have here in Florida. It is nothing compared to Dragon Con or Comic Con or any of the other huge cons but it is better then many I have seen.
Predatormv said:
The con isn't that bad, its really the only large con we have here in Florida. It is nothing compared to Dragon Con or Comic Con or any of the other huge cons but it is better then many I have seen.

Sorry man . . . Any Con is a good Con. At least you guy's had a Con too :)
That megacon was the first time i wore my fett!
Man, another blast from the past today. Yup, this is my first screen used costume. I gotta say, there is nothing like being able to say, no I didn't make this, this was actually WORN in the movie :D Gotta love paying the dough and BAM, instant perfect costume!!! This con certainly is no Dragon Con but it was a good excuse to hang out with friends...if only they would go again this year-hint hint ;)
Wow Old Timer! I like this shot a lot because - - - How often do you see Fett in Front of the water like that. Too Cool. Awesome Imperial and a good combination of the two!
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