MB jet pack questions

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Migrate from As You Wish

I have a Bradley Fett jet pack, and was wondering what the best way to glue on the side halves to the main jet pack body would be. I noticed that the styrene, no matter how well you cut it, doesn't exactly form fit onto the main pack for glueing. There are huge gaps in between due to the slight imperfections of the molds.

I visited the Obi-Wan Jedi Academy link Boba Fett Jet Pack Tips that instruct to place metal "L" brackets to hold together in place the side halves, followed by adding Epoxy Putty along the seams to strengthen and fill in the gaps. [Please visit the link if you don't know what I'm talking about. Thanks]

1) Where can I get this Epoxy Putty at? Is this the same as the 2-part Epoxy glues I see in stores?

2) Plus, will regular 2-part Epoxy glue stick the "L" brackets onto the styrene? I was thinking of using this glue since I heard it works well with metal surfaces too.
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I have a MB backpack. I mated the side to the main body the best I could and used clamps and tape to secure it. I then glued all joints that touched with thick super glue. I then got out some baking soda (tip from my neighbor) started at one end of the gap, putting glue on either side of the gap and then sprinkling the baking soda on the glue. The two will mix forming a plastic like material. You can slowly fill up the gap this way and then sand it smooth. This also is good because it adds some strength to the joint. This worked well with my pack and I was real happy. Be prepared to spend some time sanding the inside joint to make sure it is real smooth and looks good.
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I have a bunch of pictures of my process. When i have time this weekend I'll post them for you. I hope that the pictures will speak for me.

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Yes, pictures. Lots of pictures. You can include some words too. :)

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I can't find the Epoxy Putty at my Lowes or Home Depot stores. I was wondering though if Bondo's "Glazing & Spot Putty" would do the trick?
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The glazeing spot putty should only be used for minor scratchs and minor non stress area seam filling or over the epoxy putty to make it a smooth finish. All it is is really super super super thick paint to fill in minor imperfections.

I have always found the stick epoxy putty in with the glues at Lowes if it is not there ( as sometimes it isn't, I don't no why)I always ask the clerks where it is, or it is the auto section (with the paints and painting supplies) at Walmart, a brand I always use is called "Marine epoxy putty". The stick in the pack is only about 3" long give or take and about as fat as a hotdog.
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This may be a dumb question, but the epoxy putty acts like an adhesive/glue too?

I'm going to look at Wal-Mart instead.
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Do you have any pics of the inside of your Jet pack where you placed the fiberglass sheets? I am at that stage and am curious as to the locations you choose to reinforce.
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I'm currently in the process of attaching the side tanks to the jet pack body with L brackets. After its set, I plan on applying the layers of fiberglass all inside the ENTIRE interior of the jet pack. I think I will put up to 3 layers. I tested the application of a couple strips of fiberglass resin, and it resulted in a durable and hard reinforcement.

After I finish the layering, I will take some photos of it. I am only able to work on the jet pack during the weekends (because of work), so by all means, don't wait for me to post pics.

I want to make sure this baby is durable as hell. I took a lot of hits and bumps with my scout armor at the Hollywood premiere of Episode II, so I know if this styrene jet pack isn't reinforced, my jet pack will crumple at Episode III. *yikes*
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I just attached the tanks on to my MB jet pack and I want to know what the best thing is to fill the seems and cracks. I have 2-part epxoy and I have Green Putty (from the hobby store) It has to hold well and be very sandable.

What's your opinion???
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Squadron Putty (available in green and white - you probably bought the green flavor) is good for filling gaps, and it sands well, HOWEVER it is NOT good for securing one plastic part to another, especially if weight and stress are factors. I found this out when constructing my wife's Boushh blaster.

2-part epoxy (such as "Power Poxy", etc.) is really good, except that it's not great on "slick" plastics. You might be able to rough up the plastic, then apply the epoxy to it. I've had trouble with the epoxy where I'll hit a glued item on a hard surface and the epoxied joint will break.

For my wife's blaster, I had to drill a hole through both tubes I was putting together, use a bolt and nut to secure them, then use Squadron Putty to fill gaps and hide the hardware. It worked great and you'd never know that it's really bolted together. ;)

You might be able to use wood screws or similar to go from the inside of the main body INTO the tanks. Then epoxy the heads of the screws on the inside of the main body (so they won't work their way out), then use Squadron Putty to "finish up" the joints on the outside. :)
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Actually, I used "L" barackets and glued the to the inside of the tanks and then to the body. I drilled through the body and used nuts and bolts to secure it as well. Now I need to fill all the gaps and cracks but figured that whatever I use will also help secure the 2 halves together.
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I used plumbers epoxy putty. It holds really well and is sandable. Also, someone told me you can see what looks like welding marks on the actual jet pack, so this works well for that look too.
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Yeah... I think I would use epoxy putty before I used Squadron Putty. It's more expensive and more of a pain to use, but the end result works really well (and it looks like a weld bead). I used some on my wife's blaster too. ;)
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I have also a MB Jet Pack and LOVE it!. They way that I glued mine together was a product called "Goop". It is found at the local hardware store and sets in a few hours, and becomes like a rock in a day. There are a few options in the type of "Goop" to get, some is for shoes, others crafts, read the back and see what its use is for, for the right one. I also taped the parts together first to hold it, then glued. Would need to clean and smooth the goop, this can be tricky and messy. But have Fun!
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i too am using goop for mine.

i've said it before and i'll say it again. goop is your god.
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Well, I am finally getting to the end stages of this very big (bigger than I thought) project. I am having a tough time with all the blemishes and imperfections in the seams. I am using modelling putty to try and smooth them out. The same goes for the seams for the caps for the tanks.

For my resin beacon (hollowed out) I used a 1/8-IP threaded steel nipple and a bolt(okay...no jokes!) This will allow me to run the wires at a later time. * see pic below.

I am working on the rocket assembly, fitting plastic plugs for added strenght. Anyway...here are the pics. Enjoy AND I would appreciate any helpful comments from anyone who has built a Bradely (old style).








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That is really a good Jet Pack to be an old one, cause I like the "grill" at the bottom. I'm not sure why you have so many straps supporting the JP, but isf you are comfortable with it, go for it!

Mine is build almost the same way, except that it's made of Fiberglass, and it's completely filled with "Great Stuff". It probably weights more than yours at this time. I'll post how much it weights as soon as I finish the sealing process and paint.

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The straps are temporary. I was just testing the weight. I am adding mre great stuff as soon as I wire the beacon and run the thrusters through.
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