Master replicas t visor

vaders right hand

Well-Known Hunter
So I recently picked up a Master Replicas helmet ,without the tvisor and no padding . does any one offer a pre cut t-visor that fits right in the groove that is built into the MR helmet ? or does anyone have a stencil ?
vaders right hand
I’m not sure if this’ll help, but I do know folks have had good luck with - Home

The T-Visors there would just need to be fitted for your MR Bucket. I’m sure you’ll be hard pressed to find someone that has an exact stencil that lines up perfectly. But I could be wrong.

Good luck in your search!

Man, those MR visors were something else. I honestly doubt anyone has a template for those visors anymore.

I checked some of the older MR Modification threads and all the images have been wiped out by a recent update.

I would suggest trying to find someone to reshape the visor area and give it a proper PP3 paint up.
I did the visor modification back in the day. I don't really remember clearly, but I'm pretty sure I bought a visor from someone off TDH and fit it pretty easily. The idea is probably the best place to start.

I didn't, but I'm sure others did because I doubt I would've tried it without seeing someone else demonstrate how to do it.
And just when you think you've seen everything from Ord Mantell , he comes around with another detail of his exploits and amazing collection!
Could you please go into more detail of your MR modification?
RamSkirata you'll have to dig into the archives but here's the thread I was mentioning. Art Andrews and Scott Kaufmann any reason why the pictures in this thread aren't loading? They were incredibly amazing!

RamSkirata you'll have to dig into the archives but here's the thread I was mentioning. Art Andrews and Scott Kaufmann any reason why the pictures in this thread aren't loading? They were incredibly amazing!

It looks like Brian possibly originally had those photos hosted on Flickr or some separate site that no longer has them. I imagine he may still have them saved on a storage device somewhere.
Sadly, for many years, we didn't automatically port externally hosting images to the site and because of that, you have issues like this. We now auto-port images, but it doesn't help the many older threads with dead images. :(
Sadly, for many years, we didn't automatically port externally hosting images to the site and because of that, you have issues like this. We now auto-port images, but it doesn't help the many older threads with dead images. :(

Boo… I have so many memories of just researching threads that are easily 10 + years old now with a wealth of information!

Glad to know everything is ported now!
Glad to know everything is ported now!

It is really a shame because there is a LOT of information that has been lost forever.

I still believe we should build a wiki as I think it would be the lasting legacy of this community, but I am not sure the manpower needed is available/willing.
It is really a shame because there is a LOT of information that has been lost forever.

I still believe we should build a wiki as I think it would be the lasting legacy of this community, but I am not sure the manpower needed is available/willing.

I think people are willing, I would volunteer for sure. A lot of discoveries have been buried and a TDH Wiki would be an amazing resource.
What I would do is get a box (like a cereal box) and make a cardboard version of it... take that and some 3mm acrylic cut that out and heat it up bend it to fit and whala you have a visor.
It seems that his site was slightly rearranged. Here are some of the images from that thread ==> Master Replicas Fett Helmet... Revised - Brian Anderson

You were faster than me!! Yeah, I've changed hosting providers and presentation platforms so many times between then and now. It is all still around somewhere, but can be hard to follow the trail.

Thing about how I did that is that I was cutting up the helmet itself, vs. just replacing the visor. I'd use a paper template and a welding face shield to make up a replacement. I just did that with a new 3d printed Mandalorian S02 Boba helmet a couple days ago.
And just when you think you've seen everything from Ord Mantell , he comes around with another detail of his exploits and amazing collection!
Could you please go into more detail of your MR modification?
Sadly, I did not automatically port my memory to an external host back in the day, thus most of the information is faded now. All I remember is how many tiny tiny screws they used to hold the original visor in. I think I used three chicago screws or something similar for the replacement. I can't look to check because I sold it here on TDH many eons ago. Another regret.
Sadly, I did not automatically port my memory to an external host back in the day, thus most of the information is faded now. All I remember is how many tiny tiny screws they used to hold the original visor in. I think I used three chicago screws or something similar for the replacement. I can't look to check because I sold it here on TDH many eons ago. Another regret.
probably similar to the Clone helmet which are very tiny screws which is why i guess the thickness of the mandibles and all was so thick
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