Marvel Comics: Boba Fett the Protector

Mythos Fenn

Active Hunter
Hello there! Awhile back I had been talking with some members about painting up a realistic version of Boba Fett's helmet with how he appeared in the 80s Marvel Comics (some said it might look silly). That project is now complete! Still debating on if I want to add a little grime/blackwash to this bucket but plenty of time to decide still.

Let me know what you think!


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The yellow stripe should have been painted on the rim below the dome and not the base of the dome. Other than that, the helmet looks great!
Very true! This was my "what if this was a live action paint job" interpretation. I felt like the rim would have looked too tacky with it splitting the classic red of the t-visor. So I added it as a full circumferential dome stripe akin to Axe Woves' bucket - so more akin to a true rank marking as opposed to just an odd choice for coloring ;)
Hello there! Awhile back I had been talking with some members about painting up a realistic version of Boba Fett's helmet with how he appeared in the 80s Marvel Comics (some said it might look silly). That project is now complete! Still debating on if I want to add a little grime/blackwash to this bucket but plenty of time to decide still.

Let me know what you think!
I like it that you did something unique. And it turned out really cool!
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