W woof359 New Hunter Jan 20, 2005 #1 Howdyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, Im new to yuor forum, and was wondering if there is a thread for making a PVC mannequin.? looked but coodnt find any thing, did I miss it? many thanks
Howdyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, Im new to yuor forum, and was wondering if there is a thread for making a PVC mannequin.? looked but coodnt find any thing, did I miss it? many thanks
S slave1pilot Well-Known Hunter Jan 20, 2005 #2 Here ya go. This should help http://forums.thedentedhelmet.com/showthread.php?t=2846&highlight=$20+mannequin
Here ya go. This should help http://forums.thedentedhelmet.com/showthread.php?t=2846&highlight=$20+mannequin
Darth Flan Active Hunter Jan 22, 2005 #3 Here's the one I did for my trooper. I will soon be doing another one for Boba....