Mando pricing

Mando ade Verd

New Hunter
i just wanted to know how much it would cost to get some custom mando
i could pant myself, i'm aproximatly 5'1" (i'm young)
I"M NOT SAYING I"M LOOKING TO BUY JUST YET! i just want to know about how much it would cost
I managed mine for under $100, but my armor is made of linoleum.

I guess it all depends on how detailed you want it.
Some people have made it from cardboard for under $20, while others around TDH have spent $2,000 or more.

I hope I've helped.
i'm thinking about using garbage cans for the armor ((a friend sent me a link to a thread on this site discussing it)) but i can't figure out how to make a helmet... or should i just buy a boba fett one and give it the decals i want?

advice??? comments??
I'd just buy a cheap helmet, re-enforce it where needed, and paint it up as needed. Of course, there was a thread around here with a cardboard helmet that looked pretty great.

For the trashcan, look either at wal*mart, home depot, or lowes.

Any idea on how you want it to look? I could do a quick photoshop for a prototype.
well first detailed?
you buy alot of stuff here depending on when they do a "run" of that product...
and also get a Don Post helmet if you can..not a rubies...rubies SUCK
and make it a DP 95,and also they have armor on e-bay fo 35....leg armor from the same guy is 30...not a bad deal.
would you want a cod piece?
jet pack?
all of the things you want to,i dont want a jet pack..too expensive,and i wont have a cod piece either (crotch)
oh and what about the Mohair belt?
wookie braids?
shin tools?
it all you wanna look like jango?
or boba?
i realize you wanna look your own..but you have to have an idea about waht you want first....
I'm almost $400.00 into my custom right now and I'm about two thirds done. Thats with this list

DP 95 helmet
Sintra Armor from eBay
mohair belt
ammo belt (leather Boba style but you can get it in vinyl cheaper)
Paint and suplies (Bondo, sandpaper, paint, primer, masking liquid, etc)
Fabric for a Kama

You can cut some expence off that. Like I said you could get the ammo belt cheaper but I'm supporting a friend who does excellent leather work and I got top notch prepro Boba gloves but you could get something for half the price I'm sure. Do your research and keep an eye out for good deals. I still need a good flight suit and boots so I expect to hit $600+ before I'm ready to take it out in public. Won't be done but close enough to show off.
i have a jumpsuit,armor/and leg armor,blasters,paint,and still need boots,belt is comin soon,helmet,fabric for cape andd loin cloth,velcro,snaps,neck seal,vest

most of those are still needed!
it really depends on how detailed and elaborate you want to get. everything has ups and downs. trashcan armor, while cheap, is hard to glue, apparently (most glues don't stick to that plastic). for a helmet, i'd say get a cheap rubies or don post, because even if it needs work, it's still a great base to start with. my custom has run me about $325. broken down it's:
helmet: $25
visor: $18
sintra armor from ebay (including leg armor):$80
surplus flightsuit: $25
vest: $8
gauntlets: $58
pouches and belts: $35
gloves: $18
jet pack parts: $15
spray paint: $30
misc greblies, glues, and tools: $30
plus my boots, which i use for everything: $160

so yeah, it all depends... good luck!
Mine has cost me over £500 (that's around $1000) but that includes top of the range BM parts and a jet pack. It's not cheap doing a Mando and the better you want it to look the more it'll cost you. What you need to do is decide upon the level of detail you want to have. I'd recommend saving for the more expensive parts rather then buying something cheap that you'll only end up replacing with something better anyway.
Yeah, my custom ended up being one of the most expensive costumes I've ever made and I did all the armor and most of the leather work myself.

$50 for the scope alone on the blaster.
I managed mine for under $100, but my armor is made of linoleum.

I guess it all depends on how detailed you want it.
Some people have made it from cardboard for under $20, while others around TDH have spent $2,000 or more.

I hope I've helped.

I know that I stopped counting when I spent over $2,000 on my Jango. But, there have been a lot of parts that I have made myself. It is better that I stopped counting. My wife does not get as mad. :D

To get my armor where it is today has taken me over 3 years. So, if you look at it that way, the price is not that much. It is all in how you look at it.

I am a currently working on Boba. I am also trying to buy only one part a month. Be it a $70 or a $400 part.
I plan on spending atleast 500 on my version 1. Which will basically be a slightly modified jango with different colors. My Version 2 will run me probably as much as a good jango or boba, I'm planing on making it movie quality with great detail and true customization. After Ver. 1 tho im gunna start on my ROTJ Boba or ARC
Does anyone actually make customized armor tailored to each person and sell them? If they do i would like to see how much it would cost.

PS. i'm going with a light recon mando so i wouldn't have much armor so that should save me abit
i just wanted to know how much it would cost to get some custom mando
i could pant myself, i'm aproximatly 5'1" (i'm young)
I"M NOT SAYING I"M LOOKING TO BUY JUST YET! i just want to know about how much it would cost

It can cost a pretty penny, and I tell you now that the most expensive piece of the armor you'll buy is either the guantlets, or the helmet.
Use Sterilite trash cans for the armor (chest, back, shoulders, legs etc.)
Buy a mechanic jumpsuit from Sears (they run for about $35).
Hiking boots can easily be modified using household items.
fabric can be purchased for cheap, as well as the foam for the flak vest.
Paint is also fairly cheap.
hmmm that would be kinda heavy i guess but also pretty solid and might not break if i take a heavy hit from somthing why wouldn't anybody want it? i heard some people who use sintra i'm guessing that its lighter then linoleum, i'm not the big contrusction wizard
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