Man of War Jet Pack!!! WOW


Well-Known Hunter
Man of War Jetpack!!! WOW

Ok guys here it is. Man of War NEW and Improved original mold 2005 Jet Pack!!

I can't give enough praise to MOW. He is truly one of the best on these boards and I am very thankful for all of his help on my Jet Pack. He created an all new mold for this one and the paint job is truly AMAZING!!!







What kind of crap is that? SFP did a better job painting! Send it to me and ill TRY to make something out of it.;)
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:love mmmm tasty, how do i get hold of one of these beauties? Is there a site for MOW?

NICE PACK! :thumbsup:

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THAT is one gorgeous jet pack....these hollow ones with access are really works of art!

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Spideyfett said:
WOW:eek: :eek: ....nice.

painted topical or layered masking???:confused

he does alot of masking on all of his paint jobs...on this jet pack it look slike most of the damage was done typical. the jet pack is very light and his harness sytem is awesome.
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Dentedarmor said:
:love mmmm tasty, how do i get hold of one of these beauties? Is there a site for MOW?

NICE PACK! :thumbsup:


no he is just a member on the him
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